The battle for control of the Nexus has begun! (matchmaking style) mlg style go here I usually draw out the gameplay then build the map to fit it, but on this map i was messing around in forge with a couple friends when i created this really awesome ball or nexus as i called it. you could move about in the ball pretty easily so i built the map around the nexus making it a usable piece. This is a very eye pleasing map that took me a good 50 hours to make. It is a symmetrical 4 base map (red, blue, green, orange) that is complex but easy to understand. It is very easy to escape a firefight by dropping down a level or 2.It is hard to spawn kill, i have thoroughly tested all of the gravlifts, which you enter by going through the teleporter the desired direction. i put the rocket launcher in the bottom of the ball. Once you are down that far you can not get up without getting out of the ball by way of the chutes or the ramps to take the teleporters or walkways which slows the flow to the rocket launcher. I also placed the sword at the top of the ball in a race you to the sword type of mind set but it is quite hard to get to. All constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Download and enjoy. nexusvid.wmv - YouTube
Okay, I like the concept you have going on with it being like a gigantic complex arena or battlefield, but it does seem kind of clunky and cramped. But otherwise, I like how it does have many organized floors/stories. I still like how you set it up altogether. You did put kill boundaries, right?
yes of course and they have been thoroughly tested also. i also added a soft kill at the teleporter outpoint so there is no camping. - I DID FIND ONE THING WRONG AND THAT ONE OF THE CORNER TOWERS IS TEAM COLORED PURPLE BUT NOT OBJECT COLORED PURPLE BUT IT IS BARELY NOTICEABLE - please reply if you want me to update the download.
Pretty nice map there is ONE problem I think could be fixed I downloaded it the other day and I was playing with about 12 to 14 friends of mine. On CTF, by the bases, behind the stairs you could hardly be seen and thus makes it perfect for campers that want to wait for the guys that want to steal the flag and pop out and kill them, fix that please other that that it "pwnz"
WOW this was amazing...why so unknown? I have a [borderline obsessively creepy] penchant for vertical, multi level maps, and this about takes the cake. And, unlike a lot of multilayer maps I've seen, it avoid many of the pitfalls that tend to plague them, sometimes literally with the death pits. To say nothing of that beautiful gem in the middle...I spent hours in that thing...
to day i will be putting up an updated version of nexus. i have redid the teleporter so you dont go thru a killzone afterwards and totally redid the respawns so no spawn killing occurs.
My only problem with the map is the name... I wouldn't use that name considering a quite famous map named Nexus... *cough cough*
All the object on this map make it really confusing. Its nice to have items block LoS's in some cases but this just confusing. All the objects used like this just feel not right too. I would expirement, flip stuff upside down and stuff like that. That would create a better overall appearance
this map has gotten a total of 500 downloads overall. i have spent 50 hours creating and tweaking this map to its current glory please download before making such outstanding insults about my map.
I don't think anyone's making insults about your map. The number of downloads really only has a very rough correlation with the actual quality of the map, and I have to agree with a previous poster when I say that the map does look too cluttered and difficult to navigate. I'd suggest cutting down on the amount of pieces used, along with trying to simplify the design of the map.
Don't take it as insults but problems. If you are offended by something as a map, well you will never improve. It is important to take those "outstanding insults" in your mind and not into your heart. Learn from mistakes, not grudge about how much work you put into it or the downloads.
no im just kind of pissed off at after that much work people dont even really take a good look at the map before you post. and also to the person who said i shouldnt name it nexus. well i named it that and posted it on forgehub before nexus was an mlg map. trust me i almost had a heart attack when i heard that nexus got into mlg. then i had a big heart breaker when it wasnt mine. the map is actually very spacious. please check it out first.
Least you got more than 40 DLs on all your maps combined>.< Also, I actually have played it, and it's not nearly as cramped as people assume. It's just that a LOT of maps have useless vertical space; this one doesn't, but it's still as open as any other while also having lots of layers to transition to.
I hate to be negative but fighting on this map looks (-LOOKS-) really painful. All the walkways look very cramped and the angles all appear very steep. The fact that your pictures make the map look overly complex doesn't really help much either. Now, I am in no way saying this map is bad. However, from my initial thoughts on looking at the PICTURES, I'm not getting a good vibe.
I added a video walkthrough to show all of you my map better i will change some pictures that have updates soon.