Twisted Manor (A hide and seek map)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Blindsid3r, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Blindsid3r

    Blindsid3r Ancient

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    Hey, Blindsid3r here! This will be my second post to go up on forge hub and this time I thought id try something a little different.

    So whats this map about? Twisted Manor is a map designed for a style of infection called "Hide and Seek" where there is one invincible zombie, by whom the humans have to avoid being caught.
    This map was designed to be 3 things and 3 things only, confusing, intricate and super fun.

    Brief Overview- The map is a giant building that honestly looks nothing like a manor from the outside. (it would have but I had no budget left for aesthetics) It consists of mainly 4 stories but some areas have more, and some have only 3. The building itself is composed of literally over a hundred different places to hide (i, the creator am still finding random spots) and MANY different routes through the building. There are so many different ways to go that it would take roughly 2 hours to memorize.

    The "Snakes and Ladders Layout" This map is a lot like the board game snakes and ladders in the sense that there are many staircases/elevators and drop downs that take you up or down anywhere from 1 floor to 4 floors at a time.

    "Dude! This map is really sloppy in some places" I did this on purpose to enable more sneaky hiding spots, small ledges to creep across and other hidden features.

    Game type- The hunting zombie has invincibility and instant kill damage. It is also equipped with a super radar, because the place is so gigantic. The zombie weapon is the classic sword.

    The humans or "noobs" as i titled the loadout have normal traits and wield magnums as their futile weapons.

    Neither have any armor abilities

    Objective: Zombie- Kill everyone
    Human- Survive until time runs out

    Feel free to change the gametype as you will because I did not get a chance to test it in a big game. (all of my friends play black ops >:O )

    This should work with standard infection but its not recomended

    Anyways... I sincerely hope you all have a blast with this map, i spent a total of about 16 hours working on this beast.



    Outside ( just to give you an idea of size)


    just inside the front door ( zombies/ zombie spawn just outside)


    A "sloppy" section


    Human Spawn

    Human Spawn- Second view ( you can already see a bunch of paths to take and you only just got in the game!)


    Highest point on the map!... it looks like an unfair viewpoint but it really only overlooks the 3rd floor

    The Top of the biggest lift

    Part of the third floor


    Another section of the third floor

    Bouncy room :D

    Thats it for photos... this only covers a bit of the map ( not even all of the main areas but I really don't have time to post like 40 pics so you'll have to download and check out the rest ! :D thanks

    Ps: Feedback is greatly appreciated as well as constructive criticism, as long as its not about the
    aesthetics, I already went over why.


    #1 Blindsid3r, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  2. peril1337

    peril1337 Forerunner

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    The map's aesthetics don't look very appealing, but that seems to have been done on purpose. I'll try it in my next Reach session. The thumbnail image isn't working by the way, a working image will get you a lot more views.
  3. Blindsid3r

    Blindsid3r Ancient

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    indeed they were :) and thanks ill try and fix that

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