I have finally finished my new ship. This is my first post on reach. This ship is massive. So massive in fact that you probably will not be able to see the spartan in this pic. He is located at the bow of the ship. You can only see his upper torso because of the angle. I would go and write more about the map but most of you won't bother to read it so I will just post more pictures. Atrium/Bridge Runaway and Gauss Cannon Central Staircase Reactor The Forward Mac Cannon I would post more pictures but most of the fun of an aesthetic map is exploring it. Thus, I will only post pictures which show case some of the map. If you want me to post more pictures just let me know. This is playable with invasion. I am working on a larger version of this map. I request that you please critique this map. If this thread becomes popular I will post more about this and other maps. Enjoy Sincerely, Goop.
it this map glitched for the buget because by the look of it you could not build this with the forge world budget, also is it furnished inside
That doesn't mean he couldn't build it! Either you build a highly detailed ship which is small, a medium ship with medium aesthetics, or a large ship with not very good details and aesthetics. It is possible I personally think it is clever. People make attempts to make the pillar of autumn or frigates, but you made it different. Not many ships that are different are very good (in my opinion) but this one looks as if it has some space inside, with it also seeming detailed. It is pretty neatly forged.
No, it is not budget glitched. I have just been working on perfecting a ship design which allows for the largest area. However, for my next map I will use a glitched canvas. I can post some map previews if you like. My next map in fact will be at least double the size of this one in length and signficantly greater in height. Overall the interior will be much more detailed and I can't wait to finish it. PS please post if any of you can see the spartan in the first picture.
wow that looks like it took a long time. Does this play any gametypes? it would be cool if like banshee people were trying to plant a bomb inside the ship.
its easy if you know the forge objects well. there are some that are "low-budget" but simply GIANT. for example the huge platform, the giant stadium wall, big walkway, etc each of this costs 10 $ if done correct, its simple to "spam giant objects" in forge world