Definite Spawn?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by walkerneo, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. walkerneo

    walkerneo Ancient
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    I want to make an infection map where one guy spawns in a different area than the rest. Is there any way to make it a high priority spawn?
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    As in one human or one zombie? Unless you have it set so that it's only one of either 'species' at the beginning, non, and even then it would only be the initial spawn. The best you could do is weight spawns towards a different area.

    EDIT: Actually, I just thought of something that may work. I'm not sure if it works with initial spawns, but at least in Halo 3, a big factor in spawning was that the system spawned you farthest away from enemies. So perhaps if you set it up like this:

    --------*------------------ *------------------ *
    Single Human Spawn l Zombie Spawns l Rest of human spawns

    Don't mind the dashes, they're just placeholders, the asterisks represent the actual spawns.

    But make the single human spawn farther from the zombies than the rest of them. I'd need someone who knows spawning better than I to confirm this, but if you do basic spawning and distance from the enemy is the only factor that affects it, then you should get the desired result.

    If it works with starting points than that's pretty self explanatory. If not, then it's a little more complicated. You'd need all humans and zombies to die at the beginning, but with zombies spawning a little quicker (therefore dying before the human). This is relatively simple, just put the spans over water or something. In the gametype settings, it can be set so that any human death not from an infected causes a 'species change' anyway; this would need to be turned off. Similarly for balance issues, friendly fire would need to be turned off too, so people couldn't kill each other if they need to get away from zombies, 'cause oftentimes a small betrayal penalty is not enough. There could be no open areas over water or a kill boundary where a human could commit suicide, for similar reasoning.

    I just realized that I put far too much thought into a theory which may or may not even work, on a topic I'm not completely sure about, on a question I'm not completely sure about (whether it's human or zombies, starting or respawn points). Oh well.

    If it is a lot more simple than I made it, and you're new to forge, here's the step by step for making one zombie spawn at start in a specific area. If you aren't new, feel free to skip this, I just know that if I don't include this, it's likely some other member may attack me for not answering the question despite the massive wall of text above this.
    Create an "Initial Spawn" from the spawning menu and change the team (in the options) to blue; blue is the color for infected spawns, red is for humans. Place the spawn where you wish for the zombie to spawn, with the arrow on the spawn facing the same direction that you want the infected to face. That's all for forge. However, in the gametype settings, you need to change the initial zombie count to one (or, if a confirmation comes about my aforementioned theory, you can have multiple zombies using that same system). If the system I proposed doesn't work, that'll be the only way in which I know to make a single zombie spawn farther away. You could do the same with humans, but you'd need to have only one human and set the zombie count at 15, since the game always spawns at least one human and one infected when possible.

    #2 Plasma Blades, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Assuming you are talking about zombies...

    If you do not use strong respawn zones, then I would surround the one blue initial respawn point with a respawn zone. That would force the spawn engine to use that initial spawn point for the first zombie being spawned.

    If you do use a strong respawn zone around your blue initial spawn points, then you need to give extra weight to the one initial spawn point you want the first zombie to spawn at by surrounding only that initial spawn point with an additional weak respawn zone.

    If you are talking about humans, then the same is true, but for red initial spawn points.

    I wrote about this exact scenario in my blog article on spawn points.

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    I actually had this problem one of my maps. If you place just 1 initial spawn where u want the isolated player, and place regular respawn points (not initial spawns)where you want the rest of the team to spawn, it will work. The initial spawn is held at a higher spawn priority therefore one person will be garunteed to spawn there. Since there are no other initial spawn points for that team (zombies or humans depending on what you need help with) to spawn on at the beginning of the game/round, the game will use the next best thing as initial spawn points...the regular respawn points. I hope this helped.
  5. walkerneo

    walkerneo Ancient
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    THANKS! I just realized something though. I would want that one person to continue spawning away from the others, which I realize is impossible.
  6. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    Just take a weak zone and put it anound the spawn point you want the one guy to spawn at. assuming you dont have any hard or other weak zones on the map. he will not spawn there if there are enemies near the spawn point not much you can do about that.
    #6 deathangle, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  7. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    um... dont be angry but i didn't read that wall of text so i dont know if you said this already.

    Make a single STARTING SPAWN with a SPAWN AREA on it for your, well lets call him "Hero" and then make the rest of the players starting spawns with a WEAK SPAWN AREA ontop of them. this will make it so that "hero's" spawn is a priority to fill but can only be filled by one. the "left over" players will spawn somewhere else

    Edited by merge:

    you've got it backwards my freind.
    spawn area efficency:

    -SPAWN AREA: Priority 1, must be filled and is where just about all your players will spawn.
    -WEAK SPAWN AREA: Priority 2, an optional spawn that will be used if the main one is overloaded, sorta like a side spawn.
    -ANTI SPAWN: A last resort spawn, used as a backup for say if your base is overrun in competative, do not expect many players coming from here.

    Information comes from a BUNGIE PROGRAMER post on that I cant seem to find again. There was a link somewhere on here from FH but I forgot where
    #7 Talons013, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011

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