The Last Crusade - A 2 Player Co op Mission

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Smokemonster, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    The Last Crusade - A 2 Player Co op Mission

    -- I'll start this post with a special thanks to Oli The G and for making the awesome walkthrough to this map. Please check out his Channel on Youtube DuelWieldingGamers for some incredible gaming related vids. I have posted the walkthrough down below, but please only watch it if you are completely stuck.

    So here it is, my third 2 player co op map. Same deal as always, 2 players work together to complete the objective which this time around is to capture the flag. Simply make it to the end of the map and capture the flag to win. The map follows a logical progression and you will not need to backtrack to solve each puzzle. I've again tried to make the puzzles as logical as possible to put more of an emphasis on team work than anything else. And again the big set piece vehicular based puzzles return and this time around are better than ever. This will most probably be my last map so I hope you all enjoy :)







    YouTube - THE LAST CRUSADE Walkthrough
    #1 Smokemonster, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  2. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    what are the challanges?????!! and can i see some gameplay
    #2 Madpond, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  3. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Dl'd. I really hope this one is as fun and creative as your past two. Although I do hope they're slightly more difficult seeing as my friend and I can get through Blue Orchid in 7 minutes or so (still an awesome puzzle though).
  4. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    Cool i hope u like. In terms of difficulty, this one is probably a bit more challenging than the blue Orchid but once you figure out all the puzzles you could probably do a speed run in under 10 minutes. I could definately make my puzzles harder however simplicity is kinda my trademark. When i first started forging i was a bit frustrated that most puzzles were nearly impossible to figure out without a walkthrough. I remember playing poseidon's lair and just standing there staring at a wall for 15 minutes before giving up. And sure i like walls and all but that was ridiculous. So that's why i set out to make my own with the intention of giving them a feel somewhat akin to a campaign mission.

    Edited by merge:

    I would love to give you some gameplay but i don't have a capture card im afraid and i don't really want to pay to have my video rendered by bungie... As for the challenges, there is just one which is to get to the end and capture the flag. I'll let you guys figure out the rest :)
    #4 Smokemonster, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    There shall be a full walkthrough going up hopefully this week, made by me.

    Haave no fear!!
  6. xXMB NLXx

    xXMB NLXx Forerunner

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    how long does it take for me and a friend you think? Whe are average puzzle players..
    never did a Co Op bevore. downloaded all oyur maps and gonna do them tonight. they look great


    ( Check out my map.
  7. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    Thanks oli u are awesome. If you get stuck or want me to help with gameplay let me know. Btw i had a look a yours vids and love them. Shall be subscribing to your channel.

    Edited by merge:

    My maps definately arent the hardest out there but i'd say they take on average 1 hr to figure out the first time around. You will always see what you need to do, the trick is figuring out how to do it. The temple of doom is the hardest and most challenging especially since theres only 1 checkpoint. The most important thing to know how to do to finish the maps is to double jump. Do do this just stand on your team mate head then jump straight up. At the height of your jump your team mate will then jump and you will again jump off his head. Do this right and you will reach much higher places.

    Any questions feel free to ask
    #7 Smokemonster, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I downloaded, and made the mistake of picking a puzzle novice. The first minute was hell. XD

    However, once we'd settled in, we really enjoyed the map. The puzzles aren't too difficult and, due to me only recently playing Blue Orchid, I got right into the swing of co-op puzzles. The first puzzle really made us think, as did some of the later ones. However, it was consistent, and fun...

    ..except for when my friend crushed me to death with the 'hog. :(

    I'd really recommend this to anybody looking for a fun map to play with a friend. Just pick one that's good at communication.
  9. xXMB NLXx

    xXMB NLXx Forerunner

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    YES.. completed it whit a friend in 20 minutes first time. It is a pretty easy puzzle but the challenges are genius.

    ps: try out my co-op puzzle map:D
  10. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    So i stalked you on lol and it took you 40 minutes haha. But good job nonethelesd
    #10 Smokemonster, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  11. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    #11 Oli The G, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  12. ImAFlyingWhale

    ImAFlyingWhale Forerunner

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    Dude, really REALLY like your maps. Perfect in my eyes. My girlfriend and I beat all three of your 2 player puzzles and enjoyed them more than most maps/games in Reach. Please consider making more. We really like puzzles and creating stuff with forge, so if you want some help making new puzzles we would be more than happy to help =)

    LETHAL BLOW Forerunner

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    Hey i just played this map, and i must say it was amazing! The puzzle was consistent, and very creative. It was a litttle to easy in my opinion, but that doesent bother me because sometimes a like a relaxed puzzle.
    The vehicle sections were particularly fun, and i thoroughly enjoyed them.
    Also the scenery around the map was nice, considering its a puzzle. Overall you did a great job creating this puzzle, and I really hope you consider to keep creating these maps.
    Great Job! 5/5
  14. TheWld

    TheWld Forerunner

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    Hai Just played all your Co op maps with my friend. Imo This one was most fun really hope you make more =D Really like you maps. the last crusade and the emerald skull is so far my 2 favorit puzzle maps in reach so far.

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