Red Faction 2 remake; 4-8(12) players; Requires Red Faction gametype (or at least 150% movement); "A complex arrangement of jump pads and platforms." Well yeah, it's another remake from Red Faction 2 on Playstation 2, with symmetrical architecture. Works very well with 6 people though contains 12 starts. The crates act as blastable walls . The original contains at least 16 jump pads so I removed the horizontal ones, which you can clear with the 150% speed, and replaced the two leading to the rockets with 1-out-of-2 teleporters. In order to collect the Custom Power-up (Invulnerability for 15 seconds), you fall into the hole that has the rocket launcher. If you drop down the middle, your speed when you exit the teleporter therein will send you up to the power-up like a gravity lift .
Oh man- I am excited about this. I'm new to forge hub, but I'm going to check this out because I am so... proud? pleased? excited? impressed? I am many things, but the point is that this is awesome. I recreated warlords (with changes in the middle, although I may go for a truer version now), but I never finished it- it's not suitable for gameplay yet. I'm definitely going to finish it now. I'll let you know how much I love this one and when I finish warlords. ED: Wait- are all the Red Faction 2 maps made already?
I am some happy somebody has made some Red Faction maps I wanted to do it for so long but I no longer have my PS2 good job man x
I would love to see your map when it's done. I have only seen one other 'Warlords' and it was severely lacking in that there were no windows or holes in any of the floors - the whole front wall was covered up! -.- As far as I know, Fall Factor had 2 different versions prior to mine, one of which was set up with bases instead of platforms, the sewers/treatment plant from #1 (pretty good), the above mentioned Warlords, and one quickie attempt at Full Moon from RF2.. which should not me mentioned here. Edit: and my other map, 'Watch your Step'