Hello again, and im back with something which is probably going to annoy the hell out of everyone possible one of the hardest mazes ever. I enjoy making maps that annoy people so i thought mazes annoy people but there two easy how could i do one time style... well you will see below. It may look like a quick run for the oddball but i did say it was a maze you are thinking theres no walls but yes there are you just can see them as they are death barriers and if you think thats hard enough when you die which you will you will spawn in a different corner of the map where it is a different maze so in total there are 4 mazes in one map so it will be hard to remeber which one you are at unless your body is already there. That is the reason the map is plain so there is no way in telling which maze you are at. this will likely be you. I recommend doing this in a group as it will be slightly easier and hope someone will complete it and uplaod a video of them doing so as i want to see if anyone can beat this imposible map. do you think you can reach me.
That's one hell of an idea. But it would make me throw my controller at the wall haha. Looks nice, just not for me:]
I thought id have a advantage creating the map but i cant tell which maze is which its soooooo confusing lol.
Nice!!! But.... Does it follow the grid such as where ever the lines are the kill barriers are there. Are the kill barriers on the lines on the grid? (thought i should refrase that lol)
yes it does follow the grid its not completely random so if you can remember which square is safe and which isnt you maybe in luck but its hard to rememeber the route.
While aggravating, it does seem like this map could be fun. However it is completely unplayable without ways of distinguishing each corner from the others. Lighting elements, maybe? I just really don't think that using bodies is enough.
I'm assuming each time you spawn you could zoom into the middle and use the direction the skull is facing to orient yourself.
That is a good idea i could maybe make a easier version but for now it is meant to remain very hard to do i recomand to do it with a group of people and use the dead bodys as a guide lol [br][/br]Edited by merge: That is a very good way of doing it and i would recomend it hope you can complete it
This looks like the kind of map that you hate, but your life just doesn't seem complete until you beat it. I love the idea, definitely going to dl.
Cheers im still trying to complete it and im certian ive played with you on reach before your friends with morslupus summit like that id have to check my friends list for spelling lol
you know. for this map, i really HATE YOU! ( i did complete it but it took me 45 minutes!.) for your map: Time cave i was starting to love you. ( Dont think about anyting bad )
Lol I have got to say well done i have still not completed it myself and lets see it as a love hate relationship lol
Biggest Run-on sentance. Ever. Of all time. That was a must-say, sorry. But the map, as Boanurges stated, is flawed with the aspect of the skull. A good way to fix that, should you choose to, would be to put the oddball in a symmetrical cup, so that nobody could tell where it was facing. But I imagine that this would be a giant game, in which everyone was fighting for the center?
I gave it a dl and spent half an hour trying before i reached the center. What's sopposed to happen when you win? I couldn't even pick up the skull in the middle.
Sorry about that well your meant to pick it up but there was a problem with the gametype now you can actually pick the ball up thank you for telling me.
Good map. One thought I have is, post a pic on here with the answer. Like the map and route of it. Sry if that's confusing. A picture of the map (overhead) with all the walls visible. If that's even possible to do.