Sandtrap Zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Awkward Silence, May 1, 2008.

  1. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Hey, this is my first post on Forge Hub, so I don't know if I'm doing this right on the right forum but umm... here goes. I have an Infection map and Gametype on Sandtrap. Most of my friends said they loved it, but maybe they just are being nice. Please rate and respond via Thanks!

    The thing to remember is that you might look at the map and say, "Hey, this is really simple. What's so great about it?" The changes to Sandtrap itself may seem small, but the gametype is what really makes it shine. There is no one "right" way to play Epic Infection on Drive 'n Dodge, but if you want an example, look here.

    Gametype <-- All Important!!

    #1 Awkward Silence, May 1, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  2. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    its ok, nothing amazing 2/5
  3. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    it looks kinda random
  4. halolover4549

    halolover4549 Ancient
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    not the best map I have ever seen
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Jesus christ its moments like this that make me think FH is way to bloody anal about these rules.
    You guys realise this guy now unfortunately has a page and a half of what is effectively
    You guys should feel discraced.
    I'd ask you guys(ALL of you that decided to school him on the rules but not even comment on the actual map) now that you'v "helped" him,to go out of your way now,actually look at the map you so clearly want to judge and change your spam into something constructive so everyone who clicks this doenst just go
    "Uh another new person with a bad map"
    Ill post a proper review tomorow when i play some customs with my friends.

    From what i can see off of the pics i have a few suggestions to make the map look a good bit better.
    1. Lower the amount of vehicles on the map,that area with like a billion mongeese and hogs looks very cluttered and that many vehicles cant be criven by sixteen players,Lower the number and increase the respawn to make it look better
    2. The Brs you can see on the hilltop,maybe put them on weapon holders or arange them in neat crosses,or a dd a little scenery around them and lean them against them,weapons randomly in the middle of thedesert doesnt look very good mapwise.
    3. The prowlers and ghosts just look kind of out of place,Maybe place the ghosts one either side of the middle sloped structure...and i dunno where to put the prowler but where they are doenst look nice or particularly worth going for(its a prowler after all)
    #5 Supa Midget, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  6. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I still think this seems like a fast and mad hops zombie chasing a dude in a wharthog so what i'm saying is can I haz better description so the map and gametype seem more special
  7. Necrocent

    Necrocent Ancient
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    In my opinion, it lacks originality and detailed creative thought.

    Seems like just another map with a large weapon stock atop the hill and a massive mess of vehicles vs superspeed mad hop zombies.

    2/5, needs much improvement.

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