I have created on my blog a tutorial index page that has links to current and future tutorials on using the spawn system. Some articles cover objective material (the how to dos), and some are subjective (things to consider). I have updated the first lesson with the most recent information provided by Bungie and additional insight from Stevo's testing of anti zones (thanks Stevo!). I plan to update this list with additional tutorials in the future. Enjoy! Hopefully, this will become useful enough to be pinned or added to the Compendium.
ireally helpful guide. Im currently working on a new spawn stratgy that dosent involve respawn zones Im calling it spawn clustering. How it works is you place spawns in an area an enemy is likely to be and the rest of the spawns are out in the open. you wont spawn near him because he is standing next to your spawns. and will usaully spawn somewhere he isnt looking. Then you place back spawns in an area that has limited visual and place a anti zone around them that way you only spawn there when the enemey has all the spawn point in view. The concept test i did on it work well but it still needs to be test on a larger scale. the fact that spawn zones can't be influenced by someone walking into that zone pretty much makes spawn zones useless. if you have a big weak zone then you will still spawn in it even if the enemy is standing in your weak zone. That mean i have abolustly no need for weak zones what so ever. and as for anti spawn zones there useless enless by some fluke of nature that there isnt another spawn point with no one near it or can be seen.