This map is called Times Cave and what you can guess from the name its a cave. I used to love playing hide and seek on halo 2 and 3 and thought id make a map for halo reach as you cant hide as much on the maps or they are too big (and i know your thinking thats what she said). Anyway i decided to make a cave as it has lots of nooks and crannies to hide in now time to get on with the map. The picture above shows the main part of the cave i didnt want to show anymore as the pictures wont show much and it will spoil the fun when finding spots you didnt even know where there. This picture shows the spawning area. After 30secs the grav lift spawns and the zombie is loose. Find a good spot or you will get caught. Gameplay The zombie has 2mins 30secs to find everyone and kill them, Humans survive and you cant kill the zombie so dont try, There are 5 rounds and you get a point if you survive you get 1 point if your the last man standing you get 1 point and if the zombie wins he/she gets 1 point. You only have 1 life Download and have fun please be nice try it and tell me what you think.
im not sure if it's a coincidence, me, or just insane timing but this came right next to "Times Square" on the fresh posts. I thought there was a new map series or somethin. anyway I think that instead of humans not being able to kill a zombie, that everyone is or can be invisible or somethin of the sort and kill each other all the same, or with a twist, its your call
They are both my maps just uploaded them together and there not much of a map series just got my name at the start. If you would like to create a gametype like you suggested i would quite happly put it on my post and give you all the credit for your game type but thats up to you lol but the game type works fine in its own respect however if you were to make a gametype for it and didnt want it on the post id love to use it as it sound great.