Mass Effect: Horizon

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Taurus480, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    Planet: Horizon
    Capitol: Discovery
    Colony Founded: 2168
    Species: Humans
    Population: 654,930

    Type: Garden
    Orbital Distance: 2.1 AU
    Orbital Period: 3.0 Earth Years
    Radius: 5,402 km
    Day Length: 37.8 Earth Hours
    Surface Gravity: 0.7 g
    Mass: 0.498 Earth Masses

    The map takes place on Horizon (Human controlled world). A group of aliens known as "The Collectors" have begun abducting entire human colonies. Discovery, The capitol of Horizon has been captured by the Collector force. It is up to a small force of Alliance troops to retake Discovery and destroy the Collector Ship.

    The game variant is Invasion. The First Objective for the Spartans is to Capture the Outer defense platforms (or Docks). Spartans have two positions to deploy from in the first set. One they can spawn back at the air base or they can choose to spawn on the outskirts of the city. The second objective is to secure the North portion of the city. Spartans can deploy from any defense platform on the outskirts of the city. The final objective is to plant a bomb underneath the Collector ship. I did create a game varient with the map but unfortunatly I do not have bungie pro and cannot post it on my fileshare because my fileshare is full. If you want the official game variant, message me on xbox live. My Gamertag is Taurus480.

    Also the map is focused around teamwork and the use of vehicles. I wanted to build a map with vehicles being the center of attention. Different sets unlock new vehicles for different teams. Their is also no weapons placed on the map. I tried to make the map feel and play more like a battlefield where different classes you pick have thier strengths and weaknesses.

    LAST I want to thank you guys for taking a look at the map. If you have any questions or comments or even ideas for a new map please post! :)

    Side view of Discovery (Capitol of Horizon)

    Top View 1 of Discovery (Capitol of Horizon)

    Top View 2 of Discovery (Capitol of Horizon)

    Alliance Emergancy Response Base

    The Collector Ship
    #1 Taurus480, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
  2. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats a very awesome looking city and the collector ship does remind me of the game , nice work man im liking your aesthetical talent. Apparently you are good cuz people like to steal your maps and take credit lol.
    #2 DIEabolical, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
  3. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    The thing that got my attention from this section was the city itself.
    I aplaud you for its layout. Even the docks on its outskirts were aesthetically nailed.
    Nicely done, looking forward to your future posts
  4. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    thanks guys! I did manage to post some more information about the map. I havnt been able to test the map with a full party but 5 on 5 seemed to be really fun :)
    As I said up in the post if you guys want the actual game variant for the map just message me on xbl and I would be more than happy to give it to you guys.

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Sick sick sick city dude. I love the detail you put into making it. One of the best I've seen since my time here with FH.
  6. Napoleon23

    Napoleon23 Forerunner

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    Great idea with the buildings. I love the way the map stretches over multiple spaces in forgeworld. Good Job.
  7. A Cat

    A Cat Forerunner

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    I like how you seem to integrate vehicles into the map. It looks like you have a few options of how you want to attack, if you're on the offense. I'll give it a dl because of the way the gameplay looks and the sick aesthetics. Well done
  8. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    Hey, i was flipping through the older pages and saw this, i really like mass effect so ill definitely dl. looks very good, especially the city, i would probably dl even if i didnt play mass effect.
    is there a special invasion gametype i have to download, or does generic invasion work?
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I just love that its taken from Mass Effect. Great job on it all though and Invasion games... well... make a lot of sense on this.
  10. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Wow awesome map the cityscape is very well done even the collector ship is cool looking. I'm big fan of Mass Effect so props. DL and liked
  11. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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