Omfg Red Rings Of Death!!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Playerhata27, May 9, 2008.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright guys well i came home from school today nd watched TV for about an hour or so.Then i came upstairs and turned on my 360.Instead of the nice cool green lights surrounding the illuminated power button i hvae mean firebreathing red lights surrounding it.THis happened to me once or twice so i shut of my xbox and turned it back on.SAME THING!!!.Now i plugged all the plugs out and put them back in.I tried it agian still same thing.I then realized the most horrible thing just happened.I was diagnosed with the red rings of death.I've always heard of ppl getting it and i was like shruuging my shoulders at them laughing saying i will never get it well todays the day that i have gotten it and i dont no what to do.

    Would you guys please tell me how to fix it. people say that you send it in to microsoft could u tell me what you guys did if u ever got it or so because im so screwed if i wont be able to fix it.

    thanks so much if you will be able to help me please

    ---MLGLR playahata
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    my suggestion would be get a new model as soon as possible BEFORE this happens.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well i went Here and the explained the problem luckily what they say is mine is due to overheating because i have no life and play too much so ill just let it sit and see what happens hoepfullly i dont have to go through what they did.
  4. NOTW22

    NOTW22 Ancient
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    Call 800-4MY-XBOX

    Call 800-4MY-XBOX, listen to the automated list and say "None of These" to be connected to a live person. Most of the time, you'll get paired up with someone with an accent, but trudge through the problem with them. The goal is to get them to send you the box to ship your console for repair. Do whatever it takes to convince them that everything you try doesn't work and the "RRoD" won't let you play anything. Good Luck, and sorry this happened to you. :confused:
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Hmm okay yea i no that hotline the ppl there never take your word but ill try my best but the people at that website said that if the upper right hand corner flashes green its because of overheating hopefully thats the case because ill just let it cool down but im probally going to have to get the box
  6. Qc Is PWNinG

    Qc Is PWNinG Ancient
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    I had this 2, I've sent it to microsoft, they send you a new one...
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well its confirmed i just spoke with soemone from the hotline and im getting the box in about 3 days and wont get another one till about 3 weeks.So this means ill be on here a hell of alot more but not on live sorry guys hopefully this happens soon so i can play all your maps.
  8. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    probably not 3 weeks. a lot of people have been getting them sooner. i myself sent my my xbox last friday and i received a email from them that i'll be getting mine back on monday. woot. maybe a week and a half or two. btw i am sorry for your loss. lol
  9. NOTW22

    NOTW22 Ancient
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    In a way, that's kind of hilarious because I just got off the phone with them about 3 days ago for an ethernet port issue on my xbox. Still, waiting for the box, but it should arrive today. Looks like we'll both be on here more. :)
  10. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Sucks. I discovered that any time I have a power surge or if I pull the plug on my Xbox when it's on, I get RRODed. Then I just unplug it, plug it back in, and it's fine. Not that I'm gonna start going around, showing people demonstrations of that fact or anything...
  11. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    What model is your box? I heard anything bought within six months of release was prone to malfunction. This worries me because I also have an early model. What exactly causes the overheating problem. How can I avoid it?
  12. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    That really sucks dude. Just hang in there :0
  13. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    same i told my one friend nahh ill never get the red rings two weeks later bam i sent it off to MS and it took overall about 2.5 weeks but thats i haow i found forgehub cause i was surfin the web so some good came out of it and sometimes MS will send back the wrong model or give you an extra hard drive keep your fingers crossed
    it is a design flaw the heat chip sink or whatever it is breaks loose gets to close the mother board and warps it. best thing you can do is keep your box in a well ventilated area to prevent the overheating
    #13 thelastsparten, May 13, 2008
    Last edited: May 13, 2008
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yea i just sent it in today and hopefully i get a goody with it.But its manufacutring date was august 29th 2007 which means basically any model can get it besides those new falcon chip things that came out in december.
  15. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Read my RROD thread, hopefully it helps you...


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