Plants Vs Zombies

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Skulblaka, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Skulblaka

    Skulblaka Forerunner

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    Hey Sku1blaka here

    First time posting a map on Forge-hub this is my first attempt at a Recreation of a popular Ipod game Plants vs Zombies


    the basic of the game are the Zombies (Elites) spawn here


    and go thought the teleporter and then pick a lane to walk up to try and get to eat their brains (the hill marker)


    while the Plants (Spartans) go thought their teleporters to try and spot the zombies:

    To the front yard!

    Then the Back yard!

    Then the Roof!!

    To stop these zombies!

    Please Enjoy :)
    #1 Skulblaka, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Wow, this is a very inteesting take on one of my favorite let's-kill-time type of games. Seems really interesting and unique to play but, I do have a couple questions. How many shots does it take to kill the zombie? Is there a custom powerup for the zombies to try and represent a football zombie (for example)? And can the zombies just choose where to go, like the roof whenever they want to? But other than those questions, I'm going to get all my friends and we're going to play the he'll out of this game.
  3. Skulblaka

    Skulblaka Forerunner

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    the custom power up is so the zombie can have different setting then the plants and the amount of shots is about the whole lane for 1 zombie (if you shoot at the right speed)
  4. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    heh, lol. The "right speed"? do you mean the actual ROF for the pea shooter?
    ...those elites are fertalizer

    ha, but maybe if their were some armour abilitys for the elites tht spawned every now n then, like a drop shield, armour lock, (sprint) evade?
    somthin like that
  5. Skulblaka

    Skulblaka Forerunner

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    yea that could work but for my first try of these i wanted to keep it simple
  6. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I like it that way too my good freind.

    Then once you know you have the concept down, start making tweaked games and maps (another saved one, just so you have the original handy) with diferences here and there to adjust the gameplay. If it works then save over, if not then you still have your first version. Eitherway your in good shape.
  7. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    wow ive never even played the iphone game but this looks amazing. The fact that you turned invasion into a playable custom game is very original and impressive. I'll give this a download now and definetly check it out
  8. Penguins4Life

    Penguins4Life Forerunner

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    I'm a huge pvz fan and beat the PC verison 3 times so far, and after Downloading i can see some pretty big add ins, different loadouts for different plants, such as a gravity hammer (Squash) Spartan Laser (Jalapeno), Plasma Rife (Icepea), and instead of a Grenade/Plasma Pistol, seperate loadouts for the Grenade Lancher(Watermelon) and Plasma Pistol (Pea Shooter). Big damage Reductions would be nessesary with these weapons though, but if you put in powerups, like an active camo underwater for a snorkeling zombie, or an overshield for a conehead/buckethead sprint for a pole vaulting zombie, possibly a mongoose for a bobsled team(This would be balanced because the vehicle would likely be emp'ed quickly). You could also make the last objective assault and make the zombie with the bomb a jack-in-the-box(White color and fast, mabye lower health). Those are my suggestions, but then again, i haven't posted any maps yet...
  9. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I see where your trying to go with this. Your trying to suggest a complete remake of PvZ on halo reach. and even though your post is filled with suggestions, it just would be to complicated and probably end up with a bunch of honor rules (which in my opinion can ruin a game if there are jerks in it)

    remember, as a sparten, you are a single plant. not a row or a colum of plants, but a single plant. selecting a loadout will force you to take a specific role and from what i've seen in my games of PvZ is that those roles are all support for the grand scheme, excluding the peashooter and freinds.

    what this forger has is a simple, REPLICA of a fun little game. easy to understand, with a large potential of fun.

    if he were to do what you suggest, it would make the game WAY to over complicated and hard to understand, which leads to complaints and rage quiters.

    sorry for the lenghty post but I want to make a (what I think is) important point.
  10. Penguins4Life

    Penguins4Life Forerunner

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    Well, after making my suggestions, i went into forge with it and made the changes, and the stuff for the zombies, was a complete failure. But the loadouts for the plants were quite balanced from how i saw it. The gravity hammer and laser were 3 hit kills. I tried to add a plasma rifle for a "snow pea" and the plasma rifle was WAY overpowered. But the Plasma Pistol, Grenade Launcher, Spartan Laser, and Gravity Hammer were quite balanced. But my testing was small scale, so i can't say this for certain.

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