Gumper Cars

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by goomaestro005, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. goomaestro005

    goomaestro005 Forerunner

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    Ever want to just needlessly ram people with a Mongoose? Send them tumbling and spinning in the air maybe? Like cotton candy?

    If you answered yes to one and/or three of these questions, then you have come to the right place.

    Er... Anyways. This map was an attempt to make a game based on bumper cars. My original effort was just block pieces over water with the intent to just shove people off, but then I decided to make an actual effort. What I came up with is this.

    There are a ton of Hill Markers laid out on the floor, one way shields covering the walls for bounce, and man cannons in the corners and in the middle of the walls for even more bumping goodness. The point of the game is simple: be the person with the highest score after 3 3-minute rounds.

    How do you do this? By bashing opponents out of hill markers and into the bouncy walls and man cannons, making it impossible for them to gain points. That is right, there is no killing in this game. You are invulnerable, as are the Mongooses. That doesn't mean you can't die, though. If you don't stay on the Mongoose, you will enter a soft kill zone that only appears when you are not in a vehicle. If you try getting to hill markers without a vehicle, you'll just end up wasting time while you wait to respawn.

    That isn't all, though, for I have TWO versions of this game variant. If you would rather enjoy bashing opponents to their death, then maybe Gumper Cars Slayer is more to your liking (link at bottom of post). With Gumper Cars Slayer, the layout is the same, except you have to try to bounce opponents into the man cannons so that they hit the hard kill zone in the middle of the ceiling. Don't try shooting, though, since you are again invulnerable. Once you die you respawn outside and have 10 seconds to get into a Mongoose and drive through a teleporter, which will send you back into the fray.

    So there you are. Two versions, one where you can gain points and one where you can kill opponents. Take a gander and download this new take on bumper cars!

    Gumper Cars Slayer Map Variant
    Gumper Cars Slayer Game Type
    #1 goomaestro005, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You might want to include one or more pictures of your map. By which I mean the actual playable area, that people actualy care about. You might think it's easy to just skip around the "one picture+" rule by posting a single picture of an angle that no one will bother caring about. Unfortunately, this only hurts you, the map maker, by making your own map seem less appealing.

    The "one picture+" rule wasn't made just to piss off new members, it was made to help them. The only reason Forgehub exists is because people enjoy previewing a map before they let it fill up one of their download slots. If you want people to be more inclined to download your map, post pictures that show off the parts of your map people will actually play on. It allows them to tell ahead of time whether or not your map is worth downloading.

    Right now, I have no idea what your map looks like or how well it plays. I know that it's an arena in the shape of a box, and I understand the basic rules of play, but I cannot tell the quality of your map. It might legitimately be a project you've devoted a lot of your time to perfecting, but it also might be a disaster in execution that makes far too many mistakes to be playable. It seems, based on your text, that you know what you're doing gameplay-wise, but I, along with most of the residents of Forgehub, won't really care unless there are accomponying pictures to give us a real mental image of your map.

    Cheers, and good luck.
    Haris Sales.
  3. goomaestro005

    goomaestro005 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the reply. I wasnt trying to bypass any rule or anything. I just wasnt sure whether I would need to post a larger version of the thumbnail or not since this map really only needs one pic to show what it looks like it is that small and basic. When I go into map topics myself I am disappointed when people don't post enough pictures to show off the map, so my intentions were merely absent of mind at the time.

    I've updated the OP with the full size version of the thumbnail pic, though. As everyone can see I spent hours on the map design alone. Yes, hours... Ahem... Nothing overly fancy, but hopefully it can be something people have fun playing when they aren't in the shooting mood.
    #3 goomaestro005, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011

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