Now that i have the posting down get ready for one of my favorites! :^) It's called SnakeBite. This level originally started when a friend came to me to create a guardianesk type. Guardian was by far my favorite map on halo 3 so of course i didn't hesitate the task he gave me. But believe me, this is definitely still it's own map. It's one of my finest maps and i'm very proud of it I had already done a remake for guardian, and while remaking it i got plenty of little ideas that i felt would have worked well on the map. One idea i had was to have one of the lifts go into a funnel type object, After messing around with it a bit, I almost removed it because i was too worried about people hiding in there, then instead i added land mines And decided to make it look similar to the snakes from tremors. And then my friend came up with an idea i had previously used in ºAbominationº. (which i originally did to try and stop people from camping up on the second level) To set up the snakes mouth as a 10 second time zone. Once i finished the main body of the level i needed some play time on it to figure out what needed fixing. A couple ramps here a couple objects there and some well placed fangs to give the whole level a snake theme and the level was complete! I've been working on this one for a while, so don't be too harsh, lol. Alright, bring on the ideas! -Major differences from Guardian 1.The area bellow blue was move closer in toward the center circle. It was a little bigger and It no longer looked like a "bottom blue" so i decided to change that to red base. 2.Sniper lift goes from one sniper tower to red plat (aka bottom blue) In other words it goes the opposite direction. 3.Gold room goes up rather than down. (there is a down part though called Gold Hall) 4.There is no bottom middle 5.Forest lift is harder to get to (Look at pic to see what i mean) 6.Forest has a bridge from top middle Note:The only area i had trouble changing much was forest. There's some obvious differences but i really didn't feel like there was any other changes to be made. -Weapons 1.Sniper 2.DMR 3.Needler Rifle 4.Shotgun 5.Grenade Launcher 6.Needler/Magnum 7.Plasma Grenade 8.Frag Grenade Game types 1.Multi flag (Sniper is now in middle) 2.Oddball 3.Slayer P.S. The pictures don't really show it too well ,there's a ramp from red circle to Bottom Gold, and gold hall leads only one way, toward red circle (just like shotgun hallway in Guardian, only rounded off, lol.) DOWNLOAD ºSnakeBiteº [br][/br]Edited by merge: I love that more people finally downloaded it, but i need some feed back please :^)
In comparison to Guardian, I can definitely see the similarities, but what made maps like Guardian and Lockout good was height variation. You're map seems to lack that. Guardian had two main levels, one above the middle, and one below. This map doesn't really have a level below like the one that Guardian did, or so it seems that way because of the pictures. I like the snake idea, but I disagree with the land mines. I think that was a bit overdoing it to prevent camping. Maybe use Fusion Coils or something instead so that a player doesn't accidentally step on a mine. That would also make grenades an effective way to flush out and kill campers. Xbox is broken atm so I will give you more feedback when I can actually run around on this, especially feedback about the lower levels.
Awesome thanks for the feedback, i've worked on this one a long time and i'd lit it to be better, but i can't do that without feedback. :^) thanks. besides the mines in the snake, what do you think about the 10 sec. time cap inside the snake. (when you get to mess-around a pit of course) [br][/br]Edited by merge: And the land mines are actually pretty easy to avoid. i placed them under the spikes/teeth and in spots where they would be easily avoidable
So i pretty much finished an updated version of this, with some drastic changes made and an entire lower level made similar to guardians.... and forge did that little glitch it does where it saved over that map with another map. I really don't want to do it again, lol. So i don't think i am.... at least not for a while. :^((((((((((((((((((
I just checked out V2 (I hope it was V2) on my Xbox, and here's what I have to say about it. Map flow doesn't really flow well. There's this dead end area somewhere near bottom red base which doesn't seem to serve a purpose (at least it doesn't seem that way to me). Green is isolated in relation to its height variation and top middle. On Guardian, that area connected to the bottom middle as well as the top middle, lift room, and red spawn. Here, you can get to red spawn, top middle, and lift room, resulting in a decrease of an option. One thing that I find slightly irritating is the jump to S2 off of the strut. What annoys me is that you are jumping at a ledge that is not perpendicular to you, making it harder to pull off. I might be mistaken, but I don't think that you can jump in between the railings any easier, I have not attempted it though. This is from memory, I walked around on the map about two hours ago, so I'm sorry if you find any of my information to be incorrect.
Thanks for the input. I know for a fact from the strut you can make the jump. And for the rest yu mentioned, i had changed in the new version, but like i said it was lost in time, who knows, i do have the next 2 weeks ff, so maybe i'll find time to update it, doubtful though. forging is starting to feel a little pointless. lol.