Sectoring Spawn systems based off of Stevo's spawn system, with his consent. To find his thread, click here. Also please note that I have no idea how the system actually weighs any factors. The following will describe the system as it works in my 2v2 throwdown map, Array As while I was gazing upon Stevo's spawn method, I realized that my map was too complex to utilize the same exact type of system, so I went about my theorizing way, and eventually came to the conclusion that, if I had spawn areas set to a specific team, that area would have a heavier weight to that team than a neutral area in the same place. This wouldn't necessarily mean they spawned there always, but they certainly spawned there much more frequently than at the neutral areas. Now this can be great for objective type games where you want the teams to spawn more on their own side of the map, however, a slayer/team slayer flows much more smoothly if you have a better chance to spawn less predictably. To make the system work better for utilizing neutral areas, I used only weak areas so they could stack more than strong areas (assuming that strong's can't stack more than 2 high) Any area with overlapping areas would have influence on all of those areas, in turn making any of them inhospitable to spawn in for enemies. Now, a diagram: The more pink the sector, the more areas that overlap there, this whole system acts like a sectoring system if you will. If the enemy team is occupying the center, their influence will force your team to spawn either closer the edges, or in the back room (at top of picture) also, this system (in 2v2) prevents any kind of spawn trapping, due to the fact that 1 enemy has much less weight than 2, and they can only guess that they will spawn farthest away as possible. The central areas should carry more weight than the outer areas due to the fact that controlling the outer areas is actually more beneficial. Now, how it can be set up! For reference during this section, and for the sake of making it easier to manage, 1 weak will be given the weight of 1, 2 weak's overlapping will be given a weight of 2, and so on. This means that any ally in that area will theoretically be given a value of a positive number equal to the weight of the area, and an enemy will be given a negative number of the same value. First, you need to place respawn point at any place that can feasibly have one there, this will help give the player more options on places he/she respawns, it also makes it harder for the enemy to predict where you will spawn. Next, you need to decide what areas will truly be "neutral". These areas should be central, and should have no team starting points, objectives or any of the likes. These areas need to have at least a weight of 2, ideally the areas around the edges of the map should have a weight of 1. Next, you need to make sure that your spawn areas cover any area that you don't want enemies to spawn in when you are there, this needs to be done completely independent of each other spawn area. This will allow the system to work better. Now here's the ticker, any high activity areas need to have a weight of 2-3, this makes sure that if there is a firefight between your living teammate and the enemies, you will NOT spawn there with him. Lastly, only use weak respawn areas, with no team designation, only designate teams for respawn areas in objective type games. If you have any questions or feel I didn't explain well enough, reply, I will surely try to help out, or describe better if need be.
I remeber reading that post by stevo and it gave me an idea for setting up some spawns still need to be tested but im gonna include it n my next map. Any good luck with the throwdown thing. Im not much for making maps for a specific gametype.
Mr green... that has nothing to do with this... I have no strong area placed at all, maybe you should read first.