UPDATET> GAMETYPE IS WORKING AND DELETED PIGGY RIDE PART Hello Everybody, Welcome to my second co-op puzzle map. To play this you need the custom gametype called "Brain Escape 1 game ". You can find it under territoris. My second puzzle map is using a lot of BRAND NEW challenges and some parts can be quitte easy while others are pretty hard. Use teamwork and use your brains to complete this map. If you get stuck and ened help or if you break it please post it and i will help. Here are some screens for you. Have Fun!!!
This map was really amazing. Looks great and the puzzles were very clever. You've used so many cool tricks in this one, for example the invisible wall was awesome. This map is a huge step up from your last one and definately one of the best i've played. I do howver think it could use a bit more work and i would suggest the following: - some objects and structures are out of alignment but that's an easy fix. - rotate sender nodes so that when you pass through checkpoints you come out facing forward - the bit with the second soccer ball could be a problem if it falls into the water as it takes forever to respawn - the end part where you piggy back on your team mates back doesn't work unless you have a great connection. I tried to implement this in my first map but had to take it out for this reason Once again good work. I'll definately recommend your map
thank you Im really glad you liked it. After a play whit you. ( im from the netherlands you from australia so our connections are not the best when we play together ) i think im gonna remove that piggyback thing. and i will take a look for the other things Really glad you liked it and thank you for your positive feedback.
I hope i can finish this one soon because i didnt get to see the end. Cant wait to play thru this again. Someone needs to do a video for this map