For those that have been reading my blog you'll know what I'm on about but for those that haven't... I have been working on this map just about every night all this week. Total build time as of these pics is 30 hours. And I'm only about 60% done with the level. (a guess there as I keep coming up with new ideas to put in. Anyway, yes it's a manor map but I think it is a type of manor map that has yet to be seen. It has a basement, two main floors and a roof and there are at least three ways to get to each floor. Inside is something else I tell you. No pics cause I want it to be a surprise. Anyway, the pics. The front of the ganghouse. Left side: Right side: And the Elevator on the first floor with special lighting:
Another addition to the mighty list of "Houses" I use the word mighty to describe how long the list is. Not how good the maps are. These house, manor, building, fort, castle etc.. etc.. maps, doesn't matter what you call them, are over done and we've had enough haven't we? I am certainly over these types of forges. You may have put a lot of time and effort into this map but don't bother... Seriously. I have not played one of these maps that honestly plays well. Zombies doesn't count. Zombies never plays well, in the sense of Halo gameplay anyway. Sorry but I never have liked these maps, and they are just old and over done, as already stated. And to finish... -heavy sigh-
Wow, aren't you a downer. Go get some caffeine man and cheer up. And this map isn't going to be for zombies. It will work for zombies but that is not it's purpose.
ok, you people do not know what this "surprise" is, i do. basically, this will NOT join the list of manor maps because it is so unique.
the house looks great for what is already done in it so keep up on it i would love to see it when its done
This looks awesome so far and if the inside looks as good as the outside. well , you will have beaten Bart's Manor me thinks youve already got my DL..
Oh Waylander, sure I am over these maps, yes. The whole style is over done, yes. BUT I'm not saying the quality of it is bad, I just think the time you pent making this you could have come up with something more original. It does look nice and polished but that's it...
Wow just because theres alot of manors out there this guy needs to get flamed to try to make a good one?This map acutally looks really cool and for all the people that hate it well who gave you the power to decide what map people make and dont make.Its just someones interest which doesnt deserve to be "added to a list" just because theres others out there. Anyway about the map.I love the elevator,the walkway leading p to it and the roof i really cant wait to see the finished product.
No worries mate. Anyway, now that the hardest part of this map is done hopefully I can get it finished up soon. I did have to go in a fix something on the second floor. The false ceiling/attic space was causing jamming problems so I had to raise it by a pallet hight. Just hit a snag for how to get a double box level when placed on the back of a truck and have it look like wheels.
S.W.A.T. mobile command trucks are done now. Taking small steps lately it seems but with any luck I should have this finished and ready for play testing tomorrow.
47-50 hours forging this map now and I have finally finished! Ran into the max map item limit so could only set it up for CTF but have made a special variant for it. Play testing begins later today because it is 4am here and I'm bloody tired! Cheers to Ivory Snake for ideas on cover for the attacking team approaching the house and to Reynbow for help with flag spawn issues I was having.