Deciphered by ehand88, good job. If someone can decipher the code in the quote, I will post pictures of the actual map, I have given you a hint and the values for the vowels. Also, it is just a single layer cipher. A value for a letter only ends at a period, so if it keeps going to the next line, you need to keep track of it. In the case that nobody solves the cipher, pictures will be in my submission to the 2v2 Throwdown, as well as my actual map post. Weapons: • Needle Rifle x2 60 sec. 2 spare clips • Plasma Pistol x1 90 sec. • Sniper Rifle x1 120 sec. 1 spare clip • grenade Launcher x1 90 sec. 2 spare clips • Plasma grenade x2 30 sec. • Drop Shield x1 60 sec. EDIT: As promised, pictures, thanks to ehand88 for deciphering the code.
lulz, I was hoping to build some kind of hype, the code actually does pertain to the backstory of the map.
We stumble forward vicariously through our past mistakes, proxies stealing the glory along the way. The battle is now. The future is tomorrow.
The fact that you even got the punctuation is uncanny... however deal is a deal, I will edit post with screenshots momentarily, just need to take some... thought it would take longer to solve it... Don't suppose you can decipher the numbers under the banner for everyone else as well?
Lol that was just the logical way to punctuate it, I thought. It would have been a little more difficult without the Fibonacci sequence hint. Under the banner? Throwdown of course.
Oh, hey! I played this! I really liked it. Especially the grid walkway thingy, along with the railings along it. The very bottom area was cool and the glassed it area looked nice. My only problem was the spawns... But you didn't put any pictures of the room that had the spawning problems. So, I'm just gonna ask. Did you put something to block LoS between each side or did you just edit the spawns a bunch? Or did you not even fix it? lol
It only had spawning problems because of the LoS, so I fixed that, should be fine now, that was the only problem I've ever encountered on it though, so it was kind of weird. BTW, I'm pretty sure one of those red guys in the action shot is you erupt.
... wait a second... I just realized I named the thread Array, not Relay... I'm a dumbass, gonna request it be fixed.
the 2v2 we had going on was very fun. i liked this map a lot. just a tweak of spawns and its good to go.
Is the walkway on the wall in the last image closed so you can only go in or jump out at the specific points? Either way, it seems like some pointless novelty since from what I see the only entrances are at the two ends.
It is possible to jump onto the crates then onto the grid section of the walkway. It makes more sense when actually playing the map, it isn't hard to get on or off of that area at all.