Store Front

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Beyond Skill198, May 8, 2008.

  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Store Front
    Download Map
    Download Gametype










    Store Front is a map featuring 2 bases with 2 buildings in the middle of the map. Building A (Right side of the map) is a 2 story building with an attic (That you can block off) and a roof attached to the attic. Building B (Left side) is a two story base with a spartan laser on top.
    Around building A on the second story is a deck with two turrets. The Bases on the ends have a sniper perch on top where you are able to snipe the roof of Building A, The opposite base's perch, and the spartan laser building. Warthogs spawn in garages on both sides of the map. The bases are equipped with an armory of fairly weak weapons.

    1. Attack & Defuse - This is a gametype I made especially for this map and was the most fun game type to play. Attackers can bomb either of the two bases and the defenders must defend untill the times up or defuse. 4 rounds of 3 mins.

    2. Shotty Snipers - Pretty self explanatory, The map has many sniper points which makes this game type good.

    3. Multi Flag

    Most other gametypes also work on this map.

    My verdict:

    My verdict is naturally biased for my own map so you can take it or leave it.
    This map is a lot of fun with a large group on attack and defuse, but it does have its share of problems. There for some reason is a third plant zone that you aren't able to get to which could become confusing. To be fair, the plant zone there was inside the ground and I wasn't able to take it out. There are a few points in the map where it's not 100% perfect, for example on one side of the base there is a gap that you can kind of get stuck on. There is another point in plant zone B where you fall down a little bit. The map is still easily playable so I don't think these hurt it at all. I am a bit worried about the spawn points because in an earlier version I had everyone spawn inside the bases which made it easy to spawn kill. I changed that now but I'm not sure if that helped or hurt the map.
    This is still an incredibly fun map and the best map I've made or played yet so 5/5 rating from me.

    *note: I just noticed that you are able to get out of the map by gernade jumping and I accidentally left some equipment outside the map.

    Any questions comments or reviews would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    #1 Beyond Skill198, May 8, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    This post does not meet standards. Please click this link to learn how to properly post your map
  3. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm working on it gimme a break shesh.
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kind look more like an infection map, but thats just me
  5. cptncaucasian

    cptncaucasian Ancient

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    Beyond, we can not give you a break because you should have read the "How to post a map" topic. But i do agree that "This post does not meet standards" is a little offensive to some people. Also you really need more than one picture. People need to have an accurate representation of a map in order to have the will to download it. And if you want all your pictures to be looked at, youre going to have to embed them using or a related image hosting site. Whew.......
  6. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I'm glad you guys are such a warm, welcoming community for new users that want to share their maps that they worked hard on making. I had it up for like 5 minutes and someone's already complaining that "It doesn't meet the requirements." I not only read the "How to post a map" topic but I used the basic code it gave. You guys are really making me regret that I decided to even come to this site.

    PS. New pictures imbedded.
    #6 Beyond Skill198, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  7. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    This map does not meet...wait, do I see pics? There ya go...

    Anyway, this map certainly isn't the prettiest town-based map out there, but the gameplay looks pretty solid. There are a couple areas that need some cleaning up (like the barriers and bridges on roof), so you might want to fix it up a bit and update later.

    I do like the balcony made out of fence walls, but I think that two turrets are a bit too overpowering, especially when considering that there's already warthogs on the map. Nobody likes getting torn to shreds by machine gun fire.

    I'll also warn you that this idea of a city/town/village map has been done to death, so try to make it stand out a bit more from the rest.
    Mallet likes this.
  8. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    it seems like a good themed map. but i would still have to download to see what its like.
  9. provomit

    provomit Ancient
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    it looks good i shall try it out
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, the other plant spot is probs the default one which is out side of your barrier. Some of the areas looks really good. But some things look a bit sloppy. Where you have the 4 barriers, make it 3 and leave a little gap, it'll look better, and the 4 window panels look uneven.
    Anyways a pretty good looking map. I give it 7/10
  11. Strikingstriker

    Strikingstriker Ancient
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    great, Ive played it just now i think its pretty cool
  12. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty decent map for your first post. Especially since it is interlocked. Also, don't get discouraged if it seemed those guys were targeting you. Believe me, they weren't.

    Here at Forge Hub we get so many:

    "OMGBBQ LOOK AT TEH ZoMbI3s m4p eye made! its teh pwnzors and it's 0n t3h n3w m@ps! I didn't bother putting pictures in eyether!"

    People just get tired of get like 50 of the above quote in a thread a day. You just happened to forget a picture or two, no big deal. You fixed it now, and hopefully your map does well.
  13. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Interlocking makes things fit together so it does not look like a box forest. Unless you were going for that
  14. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    "This post does not meet standards" is a little offensive to some people.

    I dont know how that could possibly be offensive, when im going to tell someone that im not going to bend over my back out of my way to be as polite as possible. Never rude of course but if you cant say that what can you say, its the truth, and the truth hurts so if it offends people they should probably go see a counselor about that problem, becuase its not that big of a deal. For the map i think that it looks wonderful, im a fan of a well put together city, and it looks like you have done that, although some parts could use some interlocking, i think that you did a good job
  15. Admiral Ackbar

    Admiral Ackbar Ancient
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    Agreed. Have you tried infection on this map? I like the design, good job.
    #15 Admiral Ackbar, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  16. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    I haven't tried infection on it but since a couple of you think it might be a good map for that I'll try it out on a custom game party that is hopefully happening tonight.
  17. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    THis looks pretty good, I need to delete some stuff to download it, but I think I will try it.

    The reason why every says it doesn't meet standards is because we try to keep everything looking good and it seems that once you find out what happens when it looks bad, you don;t ever do it again.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice
    good interlocking
  19. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i am a HUDGE fan of urban maps. good job i like the astetics and name
  20. Laxeric198

    Laxeric198 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is fun to play Halo 3 on.

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