Inspired on Valhalla, Beaver Creek and Blood Gulch, I made this map: Einherjar. Inspired; ergo, this is not a REMAKE. This is my second attempt to create this map, after some suggestions made by the testers guild. Enjoy Backview of blue base Whole map view Blue Base Red Base Red Base Line of sight Overview The main focus of this map will be team games... Anyone willing to help me with the spawn locations and the weapon locations? So, what do you think about the map?
Surprised to see that the map actually looks good. I do have a few suggestions or questions however. 1. Is the rockwall along the water scalable? What I mean is can you walk on it? Fromm the pictures it kind of looks like there is a ledge that starts at one end of the map and ends at another. 2. I'd probably add a goose to each side of the map, just to stay true to vahalla. Vahalla was kind of known for it's vehicle warfare and adding the mongooses would keep the same atmosphere without completely destroying the map. Idk, maybe it's just a preference I have. 3. How efficient do the rocks serve as cover in the map? Have you play tested it to find out? The water base seems to be lighter on cover to me.
So far, the map's coming along very nicely. I definitely like what you did with that brook island space. I just started on an asymmetrical map there, but it's always interesting to see what other people do with it. As Joyst1ck said, a Mongoose at each base would work well. It's hard to judge the size of the map, but I think a Warthog at each base wouldn't be pushing things. For weapons, I'd probably place a DMR at each base, as well as a Plasma Pistol, and Plasma Grenades. At the center river, I'd probably put a Plasma Launcher (counter-vehicle, but not as generic as Rockets), and then at the southern middle of the map, I'd probably place a Focus Rifle. The map seems a little open for Snipers, but maybe it would be interesting to have a 1-spare-clip or even no-spare-clip Sniper Rifle per base. A 1 or no-spare clip Shotgun just outside each base might be fun too. It looks like it's coming along great, and I can't wait to see what you do with this one.
Yes, the rockwall is scalabe. It also has the highest spot in the map, therefore, a very good sniper can dominate from there, however, it has no cover, and can be shot from ANY place of the map... I had version one of this map tested by the Testers Guild... It used to have one mongoose and a ghost per team. It worked out good I intend to put at least one mongoose on each base. BTW, there is a ramp in the middle (Yes, mongoose was planned from the very beginning. Those big Rocks are to break the line of sight from one base to the other, avoiding cross DMR Fire, focusing the precision weapons on the center of the map. There are also two caves on the left side (going to the seashore) of the map... those caves are supposed to be cover for CTF games. I think it still needs some tweaks, but I really do not have people to playtest with me... specially now that Dead space 2 came out I can Upload what I have so far, but it has no weapons neither spawns...
I'm not sure I like how different the bases are from the original valhalla... It's definitely a very similar map to valhalla, but as far as a remake goes, even a downsized one, it just isn't that accurate. Just looking at this picture and comparing to yours reveals a lot of flaws. That said, I'm not at all saying your map won't play well, I quite like your architectural style, and your placement was quite nice, probably the most accurate place you possibly could put valhalla.
Lol, it is not a Valhalla remake, it is a different map... It was just INSPIRED BY Valhalla... (and blood gulch and beaver creek.)
i like how you did this. It is unusual to see a map on the island so its nice to see one. Let me know if you need to test this sometime. i would be glad to help. This map gives me an idea on how to make a valhalla remake not in the valley/blood glutch area also i think the rocks on the side should maybe be moved some so they look like they are much more naturally
It seems like the bases are too big for their own good and that adds to the cramped feel from the rocks everywhere. One of the nice things about valhalla was that the bases offered great protection and both defensive and offensive capabilities for each team without being too complicated. The less (not fewer) base the better.