I was just thinking about something. Everybody who has played multiple editions of Halo has their favorite old legacy maps. The "what you miss from Halo 3" thread is evidence - half the posts mention old maps - and the many, many Forge remakes and their many, many downloads attest to this as well. How would you feel if Bungie had just released ALL of the legacy maps along with Reach? Either built into the game, or as a separate DLC or disc or something for like $10 or $15? Obviously that's a lot of maps (on the order of 40 or 50 I think). So they'd have to do it bare-bones - import the geometry, swap out the weapons, and re-skin everything with Reach-appropriate (but not especially fancy) textures. Not a remake or a reimagining, just the original map pretty much. It might not play that great with the new engine - but too bad, here it is. Would you be in favor of this? Would you pay extra for it? If you aren't crazy about Reach, would this make you feel more positively towards it?
10-15$??? AHAHHAHAHAH It's Bungie, They'd load those 40 maps into 2 or 3 separate DLC disks and sell them 30 or more apiece. That aside, I would certainly love this, especially if they were all forge compatible. Unfortunately, this will never happen. We'll be lucky if we get 2 or 3 of our old maps, it would take an awfully long time to completely redo ALL of the old maps. More time than they'd make back in profit, as well.
if this were to happen, i would be in favor of it, and i wouldnt mind spending around 50 for ALL of the maps. sure im paying again for something i already bought, but it is also a lot of work for them to do that and would be a huge service to the fans, so i wouldnt be angry about spending that money.
It's not as simple as you made it seem. Basically the only thing you can bring over is the geometry and I'm pretty sure reach runs on a different engine than the other halo's so it wouldn't be quick. if you want to play that stuff just go play those games.
I'd spend a full 50 if this were the case. Heck, I'd spend the full 50 if they PROPERLY remade all the maps to work in Reach. Meaning, they built them, not forged.
Would be cool. But it wouldn't be the same... I miss the lack of armor abilities and bloom... That's probably irrelevant, but **** you, I'm reminiscing.
1 - This is a strictly hypothetical scenario since it's obviously not going to happen, so I'm not too hung up on the practical details. Basically I'm just proposing a situation where they don't do an elaborate re-do with a complete new look and environment (which is basically what they've done on every remake in Halo 2 on). It would be as basic as most people's forged remakes are - the geometry is there and correct, and little more. Whatever makes it take the least time for them, and is therefore most cost-effective for us. 2 - Regarding your last sentence, that has no bearing on this discussion. I do play those games from time to time. But clearly there's a great desire in the Halo community for old maps, and Bungie is happy to satisfy that to a certain degree. What I'm dreaming of is something like the backward-compatibility the PS2 had to the original Playstation: buy Halo: Reach, and you get to play maps from Halos 1-3, with just enough upgraded to make them work with the new game. Personally I'd pay a lot for this. I might do unfortunate things for certain people at Bungie. You don't want to know.
Not the point. I knew it wasn't going to happen before I posted it. It's a hypothetical. 1. You lie! 2. That is either going to be one shitty blowjob or one shitty pizza. Or both of them will be mediocre.
1.) Why would I lie? Unless Bungie made Legacy Maps mandatory for Matchmaking, then I have no need or purpose for them. Those maps were great for that specific game they were made for. AAs would render majority of them obsolete or completely change the gameplay. Jetpack on Valhalla would be cool and all, but completely changes the game. Sure it's nice to be nostalgic for a moment, but I'm not gonna fork up $50 for old maps. Sure I like to play something old once in a while, but not enough to pay full price for it. 2.) I never stated what size pizza I was buying. I can get a personal pizza that could possibly be one of the greatest pizzas on the planet and a soda for $7 here in Chicago. Lunch specials FTW!
He's getting a combo meal. Any size pizza and a half-price blowjob for just $50. I would be in favor for this. Actually, I'd be in favor for any new maps at all. As long as they work well with Forge, I'd be all over it.
somehow I can't pay for sex. why pay for it when, if i apply myself, maybe i could get it for free? same with parking.
They should have a 'Remake/Re-imagination Forgetacular.' At least then the maps would play descent, they'd just look crappy. And with that, I just proposed something that could actually happen to bring back all the old maps. lol
fantastic idea. Nostalgia slayer? time warp playlist? something like this it'd also be better if it was all classic slayer- maybe sprint, but no other abilities. preferably no abilities (or maybe have them placed on the map)
What abut sticking all the old maps in their own playlist with no armour abillities and the apropriate running speed and jump height? That way they'll play as near to the originals as possible. But you all forget one thing, If they bring nack ALL the maps we'll have to play on backwash again
We can only hope......*stares dreamily into the infinitely bright Forgeworld sun* But seriously that would be pretty badass. I would end up paying for it due to my insanely hardcore love of Halo. Halo 2 was by far my favorite competitive/customs experience. I should really stop reminiscing.... Anywho... a couple of my friends have actually thought about a graphically enhanced Halo CE. Don't mess with ANYTHING at all, just up the graphics a bit and bring it to the 360.