
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by smm2010, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    Creator: smm2010

    Track Name: Luno

    Map Name: Forge World

    Gametype Supported: Race

    Luno is a remake of yet another one of my tracks in Halo 3. This Reach version has some major tweaks that differentiates the flow from the Halo 3 version. The split section is a lot better and more turns have been added to the map, along with mostly the same look from the Halo 3 version.


    The Start



    Water Fountain Turn

    Split Section Between the Garden of Luno


    Shield Door Elevator



    Download Luno Here
  2. Drecker225

    Drecker225 Forerunner
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    Looks neat. The one thing I don't really like is that most of the track looks flat. I can only tell by what I see in the pictures though, so I will probably check this out later on!

    Edit: I tried it out and its pretty fun. I really liked the part where you get launched up and then shot down the smooth hill. I usually race by myself, so I wouldn't really understand the competition aspect. I did need to slow down for some parts though, which I guess can be what you are trying to accomplish, choke points where people get a chance to get ahead. With that in mind, I think you did a good job making a fair, competitive racetrack!
    #2 Drecker225, Dec 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  3. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    It's mostly flat because it's a track specifically for use in competitive tournaments. There's little to no sky parts on this track because skytracks deliver no competition.
  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    wow, pretty decent. I love how flat it is. That's a good thing. I do'nt like having to drive up hills in competitive racing, I love taking turns super sharp and trying to race like a pro. This track definitely makes the better racers take the lead and I like that. Very good layout, very good forgery, 5/5. Good job Smm =)
  5. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Great but alot of the turns are to sharp. but great map and very enjoyable with all the cool things that r goin on
  6. killermarth5

    killermarth5 Forerunner

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    New Ideas for your next map or anyone's next map!

    Looks pretty cool. I mean, I love those roller-coaster type maps but they get boring and not as fun. I really hope people can make more races like yours and maybe like some Mario Kart or small but not really short races. It's just that if people made smaller simple tracks then people can edit them easier and have for fun. You should make a build it your self map layout so people can put in their cool little ramps or machines so they can learn how forge and test attractions. That would be sweat. I would totally download!
  7. eLantern

    eLantern Ancient
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    I downloaded this map quite a while ago simply on accident when I was using Reach's search function... I found this track to be one of my top 5 favorites, but it did have one competitive racing problem and that was with the lift / boost. It caused to many non-driver error wrecks which was a problem for my group of racing buddies so we redesigned the control over landing and the problem was solved. Unfortunately we had to remove a few visual things to allow this, but it doesn't really take anything away from the pleasure this track is to race. Thanks for creating such a good competitive race track.

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