Yep, he's part of the family now! Prophets, or less commonly known as San 'Shyuum are a leadership caste and one of the founding species responsible for forming the Covenant. The story of their race began when a small fleet of scout ships searching for forerunner artifacts had encountered the Sangheili (Elites). San 'Shyuum were a curious and exploitive species and thrived off of studying and reverse engineering Forerunner technology, where the Elites lived by a code of honor, seeing these relics as sacred. This almost instantly sparked a hostility within the two which later broke out into an all out genocidal war. The Prophets were strong and their technology surpassed that of the Sangeili. Yet even with this high advantage there was one draw back. Elites' culture raised its individuals to fight, and to win those fights, or die with honor. The elites as a whole saw many wars previous to this one, and no foe had yet been able to claim victory over them. The San 'Shyuum sturred a beast which for some time had layed dormant. The war went on. Much blood was spilled, and although Covenant records state that the Prophets homeworld collapsed due to its Sun going supernova, it is very likely that the Sangheili warmachine pushed the Prophets back and destroyed the planet. There was only one thing which stood between them and total extinction. A Forerunner ship called the Dreadnaught. The San 'Shyuum with their understanding of the technology were able to bring a portion of its systems online and used the ship and all of its power to decimate the Sangeili fleets. Eventually after countless bloodshed from both sides the two species realized that there was no sense to continue the war and a thruths between the two was formed. The Dreadnaught was powered down, and a city was built around it serving as a capital for the new forged Covenant and the city would be called High Charity. Although once being proud warriors, Prophet species overtime had lost its genetic stability through uncontrolled inbreeding and a lifestyle of comfort and luxury. They would uphold the Covenant with a secretly false belief of the Great Journey and devine transcendence reigning complete control over every other caste. Random facts: Even some of the lowest ranking Prophets had the ability to call for an execution of the highest ranking Elites if matters called for it. Every San 'Shyuum would wear some modification of an anti-gravity device to support their frail body structure. Although Prophets were never directly seen in any of the events on Reach, it is very likely that they oversaw the invasion from orbit and called in for an entire surface glassing once the "asset" was found underneath the Castle Base. One of the few sources Also check out the write-up for the Halo 3 Sangheili post for additional detail. Well anyway message me on xbox live to recieve a free cookie if you actually read all that ha ha! or you can just look at some screenshots! [bungievid]13035101[/bungievid] Special thanks to DIEabolical D for the fusion coil eye idea, definitely made the shields stand out. Enjoy! Download Prophet
Wow, all I can say is amazing job. This work of art is undescribable in so many good ways. I would also not have thought of making the prophet, but you my friend have done a fantastic job on the structure and presentation of your piece. I would love to see so much more and I hope this takes you very far.
Another work of art. I was amazed, not too surprised, but amazed when you got a mention in the latest Bungie Weekly Update. Great job man.
When I was looking on the update of the week with the moas I seen ur creation and I already knew it was urs, Awesome job though, downloading it now. Also I love how u detailed the eyes with eye lashes, looks just like the prophet
truly amazing work grim, next to the hunter pair from halo 3 I think this is your best work. The detail with the sleeves and garb of the prophet as well as the facial features are simply stunning. The noble team work was good but it really was hard to capture an armor look with forge pieces, where with the prophet here it is uncanny how well the pieces came to together to form clothes, the hover chair, and his ceremonial back piece.
WOW! Got to go in and check out HTF you put some of this guy together. The detail, even from the screenshots, is amazing. Another excellent job. Sweet.
Good work as always bud, it's seeing maps like these that make me want to get back to forging though I probably never will d: Did you change anything since last time I saw it? All I remember was an atrocious amount of frame rate lag when shooting blowing up his eyes.
Thank you for the kind feedback. Yes a lot of thought did go into the face. The reason why this piece took so long is because I was spending too much time in multiplayer mashing my grenade bumper to keep up with the rest. Oh and earning that pretty rank. Anyway I mentioned it before, I would love to hear some feedback and thoughts on the write ups for these aesthetic maps.
Gawp! This is outstanding... how realistic this latest statue is, as always this looks amazing from all angles, the facial features and details are unbelivable. I cant wait to get on this on forge, and see this first hand. Hunters, skirmisher, half the noble team atleast, brute chief and now the prophet... wow , amazing work. Your skills are phenominal
Quote-Special thanks to DIEabolical D for the fusion coil eye idea, definitely made the shields stand out. Lol those are actually plasma batteries , but you knew that
Wow... this is amazing. I've seen plenty of Forge art where I'll squint at it and wonder, "this looks pretty cool.... what is it?" But with this I take one look and i'm like "Sweet Jesus, that's an amazing Forge art rendition of a Prophet!" Awesome work dude You never cease to amaze.
Impressive Grim. The facial details are very nice. Grats on the feature and the mention in the Bungie Weekly Update. Your work continues to astound Are you still planning on making the rest of Noble Team?
All hail xSoGx Grim...I mean the prophet...I mean xSoGx Grim. JK but seriously great work dude. Awesome detail my favorite part is the eye region-epic detail. DL and liked