
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Daedalusy, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Fulcrum is a medium-sized asymmetrical map with a layout not quite like any other.
    Each corner of the map is unique, and its three varied locations make it a relatively simple map to learn. It combines natural and Forerunner structures very smoothly, and while borrowing concepts from classic maps such as Orbital's tunnels and The Pit's layered combat, it still retains a feel that is very much its own.


    Here in the blue corridor, players are given fair amounts of cover in all directions in addition to avoiding the wide-open space outside. The corridor acts as a covered bridge between Fulcrum's central area and catwalk complex.


    While running around the catwalk complex, players will find out just how important it is to stay on one's toes. Though Fulcrum's platforms offer an advantageous point of view, it is only available at the expense of safety, and players caught running along the catwalks without cover are easy prey to DMR users in the central area.


    Fulcrum's central area, home to its iconic broken rails, also feature large, prominent scaffolds that ease off seamlessly into the natural rocky terrain. With a map that seems so vertically divided, it would seem obvious that the Jetpack could dominate. Fulcrum addresses that issue.


    While advancing through Fulcrum's lower levels, it's practically impossible not to come across a Gravity Lift or Man Cannon in a short amount of time. Fulcrum's hypothetical web of pathways, lifts, and falls, essentially mean that any one place can lead to everywhere else.


    Fulcrum's elevator shaft, nestled in the corner of the central area, acts as a reliable source of cover while effectively discouraging camping with its exit point smack-dab in the middle of a pathway. Players heading through the shaft are literally thrust right into the heat of the action, with the wide-open and weapon-riddled central area just around the corner.


    With relatively flat planes of travel and excellent sight lines, Fulcrum and the Spartan Laser are perfectly compatible. Available in the lower corner of the catwalk complex, using this weapon effectively can work wonders for your score.



    Concussion Rifle X1
    DMR X2
    Grenade Launcher X1
    Magnum X1
    Needler X1
    Needle Rifle X2
    Plasma Pistol X1
    Plasma Rifle X1
    Rocket Launcher X1
    Shotgun X1
    Spartan Laser X1
    Fragmentation Grenade X2
    Plasma Grenade X4

    Heightened Soft Kill Zones.
    Smoothened uneven paths.
    Removed Kill Ball.
    Fixed area where players could escape the map.
    Complete rework of weapon placement.
    Replaced Fixed weapons.
    Elevator shaft reworked.
    Added Man Cannon.
    Removed Soft Kill Zone in blue corridor.
    Added more spawns.
    Added cover to the lower area.

    The Psychod Duck
    Hi Im Erupt
    Hydroz 89
    Kittenpaste co
    Tyco Terminator

    I hope that you have as much fun playing on Fulcrum as I had making it!
    Download Fulcrum!
    #1 Daedalusy, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011

    III PH03NIX III Forerunner

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    I'm surprised no one has commented on this or is this just a new thread to an earlier map? Either way this is a definitely unique map among the waves of sometimes dull maps that assault the forum. It is easy to get your bearings and the aesthetics are amazing. Got my DL for sure.
  3. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is really good. I love the looks, who wouldn't think that broken bridge is sick. I love the whole flow and feel of the map as well as the use of natural pieces. Your solution to the jetpacks was great and probably altered gameplay a lot, for the better of course. 5 power weapons seems like a lot for the size of the map but its hard to tell from pics. All in all this map is great.
  4. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you! Fulcrum did go through a lot of changes between its testing phase and public release. I actually jotted down notes and spent a couple hours making changes so that every flaw that the testers addressed could be fixed. Also, Fulcrum actually used to have nine power weapons - I really didn't know the first thing about proper weapon placement. If any future feedback tells me that five is still too much, I suppose I'll drop whichever weapon or two they felt added the least to gameplay.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    During testing, I could tell that the map had potential, although it definitely hadn'd met it at that time. I guess that's what testing is for though right? The changes you made sound reasonable, and hopefully they've allowed the map to meet it's potential. The aesthetics are quite nice also, although they are very, very similar to my Asteroid Base map in some areas (that could be entirely coincidental, I'm not trying to say you copied off me or anything :p ). Overall, I think this is a good map at this point. I'm glad the testing was helpful to you.
    #5 Psychoduck, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    Very well put together from what I can gather. I'm pretty impressed by the broken bridge. It actually looks like a broken bridge and not just a pile of random forge pieces thrown together. I also like how the smooth looking the map is. I'm not the greatest at forging yet myself, but I do know how hard it is to get smooth flow goin especially with the natural pieces. It looks like you nailed it though. Great job!
  7. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I noticed uncanny similarities between our maps as well, but they're all coincidental. I'd estimate that Fulcrum was at around 90% completion when your map was released. Great minds think alike, though!

    Also, I'd like to thank everybody for the feedback. Keep it coming! I've already decided on the concept for my next map and it's just entering the planning stage.
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    True, true. Although V1 of Asteroid base was released months ago. Whatever though, great minds do think alike. I look forward to seeing (and possibly testing) your next map!

    Oh, and I think the broken brideg is pretty slick, forgot to mention that earlier.
  9. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I had completely forgotten about your earlier version. I look forward to my next map being tested by you as well! You've got a few weeks to wait, though.
  10. Maniacal Z78

    Maniacal Z78 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I dled and played this map yesterday. Very nice map. battle seems to migrate toward the walkways. The broken stairway is a little broken. Had 2 players get knocked over there and stuck in a crevis.
  11. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'll investigate the issue with the broken rails. They had no apparent glitches when Fulcrum was being tested, but I suppose I must have fooled up when I made the rocks in that area smoother. Thanks for the feedback!

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