Resemblens Beta

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by bsc xxshadowxx, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. bsc xxshadowxx

    bsc xxshadowxx Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Forruners constructed these coolers to keep the halo ring from over heating but you may have dejavo when you look at the battle ground.

    The map contains.


    4* DMR
    1* Grenade Launcher
    2* Magnum
    1* Rocket Launcher
    1* shotgun
    2* Sniper Rifle
    4* Frag Grenade
    2* Mounted Machinegun

    1* Energy Sword
    1* Focus Rifle
    3* Needle Rifle
    1* Needler
    1* Plasma Launcher
    1* Plasma Repeater

    Power ups;
    1*Camo powerup[​IMG]

    Just letting you all know this is a beta so there may be things wrong so i would like some feed back, NOTE i did not try and made this look like VALHALLA i just went along with what i thougt look good then looked like the map so i just went with it. Enjoy and have fun
    #1 bsc xxshadowxx, Jan 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  2. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    first off: nice bases
    as for constructive feedback i can say that your little rock cave island thingy in the middle of the map seems a little out of place and adds a little to anti symmetry. Though its impossible to create a symmetrical map in the canyon, you'll just have to compensate for something that offers the same benefits of the other side or change what is already there

    vehicle wise... i would follow the same pattern that hemorrhage has in multiplayer matchmaking scorpions are fun but wrath aren't as over powered

    weapons are fine, they don't ever make that big of a difference in big team maps

    i see these little scenery things scattered throughout the sides of the canyon walls like the shields. a waterfall? regardless i think that if you could incorporate those into the gameplay like avalanche from halo 3 had there big grav lift things of the sides that acted like sub bases

    lastly: the red base has a lot more room behind it than the blue base, which means that a large scale vehicle attack on the red base would be alot more effective given the extended space, which will give the blue team an unfair advantage... not really sure what you can do to change that other than move the red base back a bit, that would also help in your rock cave island thing and its symmetry in the map

    other than that lol the map is pretty solid, props for the nice bases and i hope to see the final version soon

    P.T. or message me if you have any more questions
  3. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    One thing that is off topic of the map; raise your min. player count. I doubt many people would be playing a 1 on 1 on a map this size.
  4. bsc xxshadowxx

    bsc xxshadowxx Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    it dont show on my end that it says 1 - 1 myn shows 2-16 players must be your connection or the form
  5. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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    2 players is 1 on 1
  6. bsc xxshadowxx

    bsc xxshadowxx Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feed back, like i said its just a beta to see what people think it does have a load of bugs init and once i get them all out it should be a good map to play on.
  7. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    This map looks very nice...aesthetics on the map are amazing...however I would remove the odd sheild doors and the rock structure in the center from the map for they seem to be out of place and replace them with something else using the money you obtain from removing them...I would sugest making a symetric metal structure that takes up one side of the middle...also I think you should set this up for invasion slayer...not invasion but invasion slayer becasue I think you would be able to get this map to play much better than Hemorage...which is always in the spartans favor...all you would have to do is make sure that the elites can get weapons to give them a fighting chance over the spartans...also Im going to agree that the scorpion is overpowered and I think you should replace it with maybe two warthogs...and lastly I think Im repeating myself but the middle could use some more aesthetic feel becasue the bases are done so good...hope this helps and cant wait to see the final version!
  8. KurbyK14

    KurbyK14 Forerunner

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    If u havent already, removing the rocks would help a lot
  9. bsc xxshadowxx

    bsc xxshadowxx Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for the feed back, i will get to work soon as please keep posting and tell me what could be removed or added.
  10. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a nice map, but the link is broken

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