whats with all the MLG haters?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Y35 <3, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    one example is "broken Br's" forum post
    Original post found: Here


    There was a person that made a thread today that was saying the MLG weapons are for the less skilled (he used a different word to describe it). Now I was trying to reason but then thers came along saying things like:

    The original post Complaining:
    Plasma Pistol


    My response: The weapons in MLG are:
    battle rifle
    plasma pistol

    Where did you get the needler from?

    Also, they aren't noob weapons. I don't really know why they put the plasma pistol in, not alot of people use it. But I have seen many people use it very effectively. Mainly you have br's and carbine's all over the map, but you have to fight over the power weapons.

    The pit: sniper and rockets will win you the game if used right.
    Guardian: sniper and mauler, if you control s3, and have a mauler by s1 then your set.
    Construct. sniper and rockets, both very effective.
    Onslaught: mauler is the power weapon , because sniper would be too effective. Same goes for rockets. But in a multi-flag match on this map the mauler is a great weapon to have.

    His response:plasma pistol is a skilless noob weapon, anyone can charge and one-shot, it takes about 5 minutes to learn and 1 more to master. Rockets = strategy? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ROCKETS WERENT EVEN IN HARDCORE! EVERYONE KNOWS ROCKETS RUIN THE GAME!IF there arent NEEDLES...GOOD! MLG should be about BR , Snipes, grenades and teamwork

    My response:Therefore not many use the plasma pistol. In a game of KOTH on the pit if someone on your team has the plasma pistol they can sit back charging people with it so the rest of the team can finish him off. Rockets are like a sniper, if you control it the game is yours. They too, require strategy, for example if there is an enemy in the opposite sniper base and you are by rocket hallway you must know where to shoot. If they are by the fence looking object you shoot there. If they are in cover by the 90 degree wall you must shoot in the middle of the opening. Same goes for if you rush and there are multiple opponents, you must know when to shoot. Lastly if you are carrying the rocket you must know where to go, and when to go when carrying it to get kills without being exposed to too many opponents.

    In the meantime of this happening some happy little camper came in and said: "MLG is a joke in general, seriously, playing games for money? LOL. Yes it may be fun to play, but to watch it is more boring than watching fishing tournaments." There is a pretty good explanation in there, right?

    I really don't know how to reason with people on these forums anymore.

    What I mean by all this is people dislike the MLG community because:
    1. They do not know much about it.
    2. They met someone in matchmaking that was supposedly involved in MLG.
    3. They lost a game in the MLG play-list and are venting off their anger.

    Many of the threads say MLG is stupid or not fun, but there is no explanation at all. It's just some idiot saying "ME NO LIKE MLG!" in all caps. So all you MLG haters out there, read this thread to maybe change your mind about it.

    Please don't write any comments saying wall of text or that your eyes are bleeding. Thank you.
  2. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Me no likey MLG and ma eyes r bledin!
    Serously though,alot of people don't like MLG deal with it.
    Im fine with a br and i like the idea of no motion sensor for team work but my experience of MLG has mostly been.
    1. Spammed nades(since that extra damage and less shields makes so many more bodies its ridiculous -> more nades on the ground)
    2. Rockets are retarded no one in reality uses them with any skill as you claim and it just nukes the groups of teamate sticking together so they dont get assasinated.
    3. Onslaught is the stupidest map in general in my opinion.Its too small with too little cover for an 8 man game,and on CTF if you die they'll score before you respawn.
    4. Yes some of the people are stupid in their blatant hate but there are plenty of perfectly sensible people who don't like MLG for perfectly logical reasons.(frankly i find your post insulting to those who don't like it for what it is)
    5. MLG is about as interesting to watch as paint drying.I tried watching that MLG stuff on t.v i really tried...i felt like stabbing myself just to spice things up towards the end. It just goes to show you that not everyhting can be made great by putting a hyperactive commentry over it.
    I really think you MLG'ers have to stop getting your knickers in a twist just becuase everyone doesnt agree with the gametype
    Not everyone likes SWAT and i do but im not gonna go pigeonholing them for it.
    #2 Supa Midget, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  3. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I am indifferent to the MLG gametypes- what I dislike is the people from that group.

    I shall elaborate.

    I have almost never met a respectful opponent with "MLG" in their gamertag. More often, it seems that people believe they are somehow obligated to be complete douchebags and act like the people they're playing against are somehow 'lesser' than them. Nearly every time I've played against someone who is evidently FROM MLG, the match ended with them trashing me, regardless of who won. A lot of the time they'd even trash talk DURING the match.
    People who play video games with such an attitude get no respect from me. And that is why I have a distaste for the Major League Gaming clan.

    It has occurred to me that those trash talkers aren't actually members of MLG, that they are perhaps misrepresenting the group, clan, guild, team, whatever you want to call it. If I can meet just one or two MLGers who actually play the game respectfully, I may change my outlook.
    #3 Azrius, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    i dnt mind MLG, tho i never usually DL a MLG map, idc... i just prefer more normal maps or w/e u wnna say... i just want to know whats with the ppl who dnt DL a map cause its not MLG? so what? i saw a guy the other day who was mad a map wasnt MLG. he was like, :Its ok, but no MLG = no DL, tough luck dude.. fix this nd ill DL" lol idk i just think it is weird ppl need MLG so much. if u want it tht bad DL, nd then forge in the right weapons nd stuff...
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I tend to stay away from MLG games because whenever I play it, people don't work together. They just play it as a usual slayer game, and it is not that fun at all. If people learn how to play right, I think it is pretty fun.
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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  7. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    lol im not closeminded, just dnt usually DL MLG maps, like minigames more, nd then some occasionally exceptional infection games nd then some occasional slayer competitive games, i really dnt know y i dnt DL MLG, i guess ill look into them...
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Um...i never call YOU clsoe-minded..i called the hypothetical people who only download MLG amps close-minded.I think MLG maps are alright,in fact i quite like the one url00 has made.That may or may not be due to the fact that we were all ripping the piss out of each other and renamed the plasma pistol the "De-shininizer".
  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    my De-Shininizer is bigger than your De-Shininizer
  10. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    No! Bad zstrike13 we do that in forgedome XD.
    No spamming on da hub!lol
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    lmao look at my name but idn wat u mean i just hate noobs when they say im a noob its funny when they get owned
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    yeah, and sometimes you'll lose by one when the other team has all the power weapons and they go off "omg'z you guys suck" "learn to play noobs" and their the ones running around with rockets and all that, but w/e
  13. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
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    MLG sucks anus.
    There is no dispute.
  14. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Whether or not that comment was a joke, it's people like that I can't stand. Back up your arguments.

    I enjoy MLG but I'm not going to bother backing it up because I've done it hundreds of time before, but the bigger reason is because people are going to think what they want. No matter what anyone says, it won't change anyone's mind.

    This part may come off as defending them, it may be but it's the one thing that I feel is the best thing I can say.

    The only thing that will change people's mind about the PEOPLE of MLG is playing with MLG people and I mean REAL MLG players. This does not include the majority of people you meat in Match Making or those with MLG in their name. Generally, MLG teams and those associated play custom games against other MLG teams. You will rarely see any MLG teams playing in Match Making. It is even more rare than a single (ie. by himself; no team) MLG player to go into match making.

    Also, anyone with "MLG" in their name isn't MLG. Usually it means they want to be in MLG but aren't good enough to be part of a team or have enough money to go to events. This is a generalization but 95% of the time they aren't part of MLG.

    That's all I have to say about it. If you want more of my arguments search "OG Fastforward" on B.net. Make sure to have "Forums - Author" selected in the drop down box.
    G043R likes this.
  15. provomit

    provomit Ancient
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    i dont like MLG becase of the wepons there r more wepons in the game and just 5 or 6 tipes is not good choices. Im not saying om bad wt a BR thats one of my favorit wepons but i have ben able to use all the wepons to kill ppl wt out ant problem and stoped ppl who were holding those weps wt out a problem
  16. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    I don't really hate MLG, neither do I like it. I just don't play it really often. Basically, yes, the weapons are too limited and the MLG maps suck.
  17. Scott

    Scott Ancient
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    I hate anything at all that implies that this game involves skill.

    It's a video game, people.
  18. E93

    E93 Guest

    I dont hate MLG.
    Basically their gametypes arent much different from regular ones, just tweaked a bit to what some might ''perfection''.
    But the maps, those are horrible. Where did all the freaking weapons go? Where are the stickies? Why are there only frikin' BRs, and smgs?
    I do not like at all the Mlg way of weapon layout on maps. Doesnt work for me.
  19. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I found MLG to be much more exciting, skillful, and fair than your average game of team slayer. Honestly standard halo3 is just a bit n00by IMO, BR starts make things fun and the increased speed and damage makes the game flow better and the lack of radar reduces the effectiveness of camping and makes communication essential.

    Mainly I just hate assault rifles.
  20. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    I've played ranked MLG and i have met a few people that ARNT In MLG and they are okay when you communicate but apart from that nearly EVERYONE that i have met online with a clan tag in their name are 100% douchebag.

    Casual Gaming/Forge FTW

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