well i absolutely hate Last Resort... i dont really have a reason. I guess I'm just bored of it. Got bored of it in Halo 2 and now I'm completely sick of it in Halo 3 lulz My favourite map would have to be THE PIT, MLG ts on pit is so great and I also enjoy ShottySnipes on The Pit and also Team BRs on The Pit. I also like Guardian
my favorit it avalance great ctf and assult on that map wt all the tanks and hornets it is fun just like the time i was sniped out of the cockpit of a hornet
other than foundry for forging, either Avalanche, Blackout, Last Resort, or Sandtrap have always been my favorite maps
I must admit i played Multi-Team Oddball on Isolation although it sounds crap , it's actually epic. Favourite Types of Map: Aesthetics: Avalanche Gameplay: The Pit Casual: Guardian Forge: Foundry