What about Metroid Prime 3? Anyway, I prefer the Wii. SSBB and Twilight Pricess are just plain awesome, and Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy were pretty good to. Plus, you can download a lot of good games on the Virtual Console.
Its very easy to hack a wii. Hacking a wii is usually done so that an individual can play a burned copy of the game. People that buy the wii generally aren't video game/computer gurus, so naturally you won't hear about it as much. Personally I prefer the 360 over the wii. It really comes down to what kinds of games that you enjoy, and while I like many aspects of the wii, its not enough to make me go out and buy one. Mario Kart wii is a lot of fun, it brings back a lot of old memories....they got the battle system all wrong though...and I'm a fan of wii sports, but who isn't? I'm still more than content with Halo and GTA IV, among other really fun games on the 360.
I dont think its even a question. Wii is supposed to be the most user firendly, cheapest and aimed for children and yet its like the most expensive. The wii new release games are $100 aus and new release 360 games are $80 aus. Wii games do not provide a deeply enjoyable single player experience. It prides itself on being wireless, but all accessories involve frustrating wires. The wii games, still have little or no dialogue, no dialogue! SSBB doesnt come out till like July for us Aussies. Its the incredibly frustrating to type while using the wii. I own a Wii and 360. I didn't really want the Wii, my brother decided that he wanted it one day and he bought it. And when we upgrade our plasma to a 60" 1080p screen my dad said that he was gonna get blue ray player and that it may as well be a PS3. So in little while I'll truely be able to tell which is the superior console. So far I've barely played the PS3 (and I personally hate the console) but I know that the 360 craps all over the wii. The only products I like that have from Nintendo are The Mario Party Series, The Mario Karts and The Super Smash Bros Games
i personally prefer the 360. i think the wii is for more of the casual players that are either new to gaming or don't play as much. and linubidix i own all 3 consoles and i still prefer the 360.
That's great, I expected as much. The 360 dominates the competition mainy because of its enormous online community, what does the competition have, mii channel... bah.
My retired grandparents got a Wii so they could play bowling whenever they wanted. They love to bowl.
wiisports is THE best the wii hasto offer os obviously since im on a halo 3 forum and not a wiiforum i would have to say xbox still beats it
Okay, it's not the fact that you're saying the 360 beats the wii, so much as it is the fact that you clearly know little to nothing about the system. Wii sports is NOT the best that the Wii has to offer. What about Super Smash Brothers Brawl? Mario Party 8? Mario Kart Wii? Countless Virtual Console titles? Metroid Prime 3? All the old Gamecube titles? Twilight Princess? I can go on. The Wii and 360 are different systems, and since I own both, I choose both. Each has elements to offer that the other does not. Just try to get your facts straight before bashing the Wii.
It may be true that the 360 is prone to breaking and stuff like that but so is the wii.One fall and ur wii is gonna die. Azrius I'm not saying wii sucks I'm saying wii is dangerous.People buy the wii becuz of its remote.But if the sensor bar were to break they would have to use the normal controlor.Now where is the fun in that.They could just get a gamecube and play those games cuz the same games come out.
I own both and i have to side with the 360. First the 360's games in my opinion are better by a long shot. Another reason is the online for the xbox is great and the wii's online sucks.
Wii Costs Less Fun, "Casual" games Can play all nintendo games (Gamecube + Virtual Console) Bad Online No "hardcore" games 360 I'll make the list later
i personaly think the xbox 360 is better if u 1 sibling but if you have like 3-4 brothers and sisters or if your always having parties wii is the best choice.
360 just rapes its competition, nuff said. The wii isnt cheaper, or at least it isnt in australia. Wii remote is like $70 stand alone(without any of the add on crap), and I've seen the 360 remote selling from $55 - $65. New games are cheaper, wii new games - $100, 360 new games - $80. Wii fit calls little girls fat. If nintendo had lost MArio, they'd be dead. They revolve around mario. It should be called the mario cube. 360 doesnt revolve all its games around one character. 360 is just better for casual and competetive gameplay. ITS 200 & F***ING 8, AND NINTENDO STILL DONT HAVE DIALOGUE. WTF!?