lf jvjason montage

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by Lf jvjason, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    i have made my first montage ever its about 3:30 minutes long featuring the majority of my game play in doubles where i had 2 triple kills in doubles that season...very proud of myself for that by the way!

    check it out at YouTube - Halo Reach Montage (Lf jvjaSoN)

    subscribe me! i am hopefully going to have my halo 3 montage on tommorrow it will be about 7-8 minutes long of spectacular game footage
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    It's a shame that you claim you're great and all, but apparently deficient in reading forum titles.

  3. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    What was the random "yah" at 1:22?

    It's...simple. The gameplay was eh. It's standard for Windows Movie Maker. There's nothing you can do with it anyway.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    He said he was proud of himself, could you point me to exactly where he claimed to be great? You know it's possible to point out someone's mistake, even help them towards correcting it, without being a total ass.

    OP: The music wasn't to my tasted and, as Dav said, WMM can only go so far in making gameplay shine in editing terms. However, there were some nice plays in there, and it actually reminded me of something I meant to say in your other thread about sniping: having some actual gameplay to work from in advice terms if very helpful. This has given me a couple more things to say on that front, so I'll post again in that thread with some thoughts.

    Btw, this is a somewhat subjective thing, but I know many people agree with me: I'm not so much of a fan of extended clips in montages. By that I mean clips which extend past the multikill which they feature. You may have made a nice kill leading up to the triple or something, but unless it was really special (ie. better than any of the kills in the actual multi itself) then it always makes the clip seem a little drawn out to me. There are some exceptions, I'll often see players use a clip with an overkill and then a nice snipe just afterwards, essentially saying 'I was this close to the killtac', sometimes even in a semi humorous way. But I still often feel that this just aims to redeem a multikill that isn't quite standout enough in itself. Idk, this is enough of a personal thing that it's worth taking with a pinch of salt in terms of advice tbh.
  5. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    the reason i am proud of myself because its hard enough to get a triple kill in doubles and like i said majority of my clips were done in doubles. a lot of the things were not as noticeable as to why they were in there......like the no scope snipe while i was invisible...me and my dubs partner sniped a person at the same time to win the game 26 to like 8 or 9 and im sorry i haven't download any great video editor and it was my first one i was just trying to get a feel for the setting and options and i figured why not start off with the basics so im sorry for that......but as i was saying a lot of the clips seem pointless but you would have to analyze them a tad more to understand them......oh and btw thank you for the video editing tips ....what standard should i use when recording?
  6. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    I gave up when I saw you were on movie maker.

    It sucks, just face it. If you want proper videos get either adobe elements or corel videostudio pro.

    The editing was dire, the quality nearly made me throw up, the music is of very few peoples choices which will cost you big.

    Playing well is your thing, editing... no.
  7. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    well i do agree that the quality sucks and my editing is not up to par but like i said it was my first time to create a video and im just getting a feel for the setting. the music i could change but it is more of a personal preference im sure you can understand that. i just downloaded ulead video studio maker and i will try and remake the video maybe then i will have a better outcome thank you for the studio programs....btw can you tell me what format i should capture on?
  8. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    oli....it isn't cool to gloat your skills over someone else and then advertise your product in someone else thread. Not everyone is an editing pro. I myself like videostudio pro but if he has windows movie maker than that is what he has. I am stuck with iMovie at the moment because my editing software isn't on my laptop.

    But the montage was ok, I would suggest building a larger sample of kill streaks for a longer length video with more variety to it. Otherwise it isn't so much a montage as a couple kills you got in a specific gametype.
  10. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    oli your video quality was just as bad as mine?
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    um....it has an HD quality setting, and as far as grainyness goes that was an added film effect, some people think it looks cool. (it doesn't) but some people like the grainy effect.

    Point is that it was inconsiderate to one up you with advertising his vid.
  12. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    Not to go off on tangent, but Apple editing software is amazing. I love how my computer comes with iMovie (although I did buy a MacBook Pro). I even upgraded to Final Cut Express.

    But for Windows users, I think the most easily usable video editor when I was on a Windows PC was Sony Vegas. It reminds me a lot of Final Cut.

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