Hey guys. I just need to figure out why a lot of my forge objects move after I save and reload the map in customs/forge later. This mostly happens with the brace large pieces and I was hoping someone here could tell me how to fix this. I did a search but couldn't find anything that pertained to my particular problem. I heard to do it offline and I did, but the braces still changed when I went into custom/forge later. Any help would be great.
Are the pieces placed freehand, or have they been 'edited' and snapped in place? Also did you reload the map when you went into customs, or just play the preselected map? It may have been the previous version you played, and would 'appear' your pieces moved.?
thus has nvr happened to me, but i heard the coliseum wall is messed up like that too I nvr use the brace large, it is big and ungainly ( but i nvr make big maps either)
Yes, I reloaded the map and the braces are on snap but they keep changing. I'm sure more vetted people can help me out. Btw, the braces large pieces are in some of my favorite smaller maps. Derezzed, Amalgam, Displacement, Veridian & Preserve all have tons of that piece.