Advertising Project

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Inferi, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Im doing a project for my Civics class, the assignment is to create some sort of media to protest against the supposed revoking of the first amendment. My group has decided to do a series of magazine advertisements, and I volunteered to do most of the photoshop work. Seeing as this project is worth alot of points, I would like to get some criticism on my first advertisement, as I want to make sure its the best it can be so I dont let my team down.


    Its a bit rough for about 2 hours of work, I know. I used alot of stock images also, my teach gave us only 3 days, so I need to do these pretty quickly.
    Im still pretty new to this graphic design stuff, so any tips would be great :D
  2. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    I'd be sure to remove the rest of the white pixels around the chainlink fence, and match the color of the top of the fence with the arm at least. Other than that its good for what your doing with it.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You should use some different fonts as well and I'd suggest anchoring the arm to the frame rather than having it freely float. For the text on the sign, look at protest signs for references until you see something that's striking. I'd say probably something inky with a few ink blots and drips from the text would make an impact.

    Since you've got highlights in the arm, you should have it on the sign as well, they look dis connected from each other. Just apply a thin light source to the sign that matches the arm, again adds contrast makes it stand out more.

    Maybe change the background a bit too? I was thinking a slight gradient, something a a few shades lighter at the top and then a few shades darker at the bottom.

    Agree with Ice about the fence.

    Also, the chain link makes it hard to read what the website address is. So, idk, but make it easier to read. other than than shift text around until it's just right.

    EDIT: Bad Choice on the font used for the sign. That font typically reminds me off military font, so it's like who's voice are we protesting for?
    #3 rusty eagle, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    maybe its just me but this poster gives the impression that a zombie is protesting that he doesn't have a voice...which would be quite funny if that was what the advertisement was for. I mean the arm looks severed and it looks like blood is dripping from the palm. Also the sign is bitten? If you were going for a zombie look than well done, if you just wanted a hand holding up a sign I'd do what rusty said and have the hand start from the bottom of the picture.
  5. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    I think it's great. I couldn't have done anything better myself
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    - I'd center the text at the bottom of the poster.
    - I think an image of everyday people with no mouths would provide a better visual of the topic and send a clearer message because this whole arm and sign seems so... Red Faction.
  7. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    lol the original concept didnt have the chain link fence behind it, so it had a more natural and gritty look with the arm disembodied, but now it looks silly, agreed. And I absolutely love zombies, zombie posters and movies are my general inspiration for graphic arts. So yeah.

    #7 Inferi, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  8. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Whoa...way militant bro. That ad has all the propaganda of the third reicht. Research the subject and try to find some 'relevant' ads, maybe from the same times... and try to make the people realize what is happening now, that one looks like a pink floyd laser show flyer.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Sharpen all of the edges. Use lasso tools, cutout, posterize etc to make sure every edge is well defined.

    The red/black contrast is too great, i suggest raising the black by maybe 10 points and desaturating the red slightly.

    The text at the bottom may look better expanded (increase spacing between letters and letter size) so that both lines cover the entire width of the poster. They will both be the same width, however one will have more spacing between letters to compensate.

    You might want to make the poster a little less tall. The middle region looks completely devoid of interest.

    I would expand the letter spacing on the top-right writing, so that it is easier to read from a greater distance, a huge sign that what you're reading is a poster.

    You might want to drop the military-themed lettering for the sign because it is harder to get out, and some would argue contradictory (civilians arguing for freedom with military lettering), unless that was your intention.

    Other than that. It's a good design. I understand that its your first draft, so you should be happy that you got all of the quantity aspect right, you just need to tidy up the edges to make it look professional.

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