
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shurshacker, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Tioga is a large scale symmetrical map built in the Canyon spanning diagonally from Montana to the opposite cliff. A large high walkway with a hub-like hard point in the middle connects the blue and red bases. Two send nodes in the hub transport you down to opposing ground perimeter receive nodes. Two heavy Man Cannons provide alternative routes up to the hub. Two long narrow Warthog "launch ramps" extend from each main base and, literally, hurl you into the action. Shitty drivers, leave your keys with the hottie handing out cigarettes and orange slices. Below the hub, a coliseum wall with opposing cover areas make up another central battle zone. Ground level underneath the coliseum wall offers good cover from vehicles and is home to the Splazer. The surrounding cliffs and cliff tops are mostly out-of-bounds, enforced by soft kill volumes. You may be able to perch on the edge of couple. It's your funeral. ;)

    Gameplay Video

    Players: 10-16
    Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, CTF
    Warthog: 2
    Falcon: 2
    Ghost: 2
    DMR: 6
    Spartan Laser: 1
    Sniper Rifle: 2
    Rocket Launcher: 1
    Fuel Rod Cannon: 1






    Edited by merge:
    #1 Shurshacker, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  2. AuntieChrist

    AuntieChrist Forerunner

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    Makes for great CTF 1 flag and Slayer games. KOTH is super fun, too. Another Shacker piece of loveliness.
  3. PrlBluWrx

    PrlBluWrx Forerunner

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    Sweet map, CTF works really well. I like the Hog and Ghost placement and the nice wide open circle is great for splatters. A job well done. Keep up the great work.

    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    Another fun map, Shurshacker. CTF, KOTH and of course, slayer, all played very well. The push on the bridge in CTF games makes for guaranteed carnage right off the bat. And the long run back to base with the flag can be nerve-wracking! (in a good way.)

    The power weapons play their part but are in no way dominant and the choice to go get one below can be risky if the other team is fast to the flag. Basically, excellent risk/reward pay off with their locations.

    Impressive work!

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