How do you get a delayed spawn for infection? i want to give the humans time to set up defenses on my map by making the zombie spawn or teleport or whatever into the battlefield a certain time after the human.... anyone know what i am supposed to do to make this work?
Make the zombies spawn in a room with a teleporter on delayed spawn. After the given time, the teleporter spawns and the zombies enter the map. Because humans will be prepared, it may be best to merge the receivers so they are less noticeable and place enough so the zombies won't be instantly slaughtered. Edit: I am a ninja :ninja:
You could have a room that the Zombies spawn in. And after a certain amount of time ahs passed a teleporter spawns. You could also make a hoop in this room that the Zombie can jump through so that they don't get bored. EDit: Dang it Pryo6666, you beat me!
You can have a room that zombies spawn in, and after some time there spawn a teleport and all zombies can go to arena. @both up Damn u guys i fail'ed. XD
Ya those all sound like what i am trying to do... i'm kinda new at reach, so how do i make the teleporter delayed? is there a time you can put on it?
In the options, change place at start to NO, and change the spawn time to when it will spawn. But note that the game technically starts after 10 seconds. So if the teleporter is set to spawn at 20 seconds in, it will actually spawn at 10. Pro Tip: make multiple receiver nodes so the humans don't know where the zombie will come from.
For the love of god, the first one may be excusable because I skillfully ninja'd him but READ THE THREAD BEFORE YOU JUST REITERATE THE FIRST RESPONSE!!! /nocaps
Other protip: Only do this for Zombie Initial Respawns. Zombie Respawn Points should, if this is at all possible, be inside the map. That way, Zombies don't have to run through the teleporter on spawn (wasting time) or be immediately warped by a tele that covers the spawns (which is disorienting).