Microsoft Sucks.... Microsoft Banned my awsome account that had all my maps... I get unbanned tomorrow and Ill decide on what maps to post... Also, whats the pilocy on "semi-rasial" maps? Cause I have some awsome maps, like Border Hopping, The Underground Railroad and Pearl Harbor, lots of fun, but you know.. lol ???
I'm pretty sure those will be okay, but stuff like 'Shoot the blacks!' is not accepted. As long as it's fun, and not to racial, then it's fine. What'd you get banned for?
I figured that... ok, then Ill post my border hopping map tomorow, its alot of fun lol And I got banned because of my Bio... I was a week and Im getting off tomorow, it was like the 10th time being banned.. lol
No Im not, I didnt have anything racist in my bio... I simply had: Microsoft Sucks, They ban me too much.. Then they laided down the ban hammer for a week lol
Know what the good thing about this forum is? You don't get banned for say Micro$oft sucks, or... Recon. Recon. Say it all you want, it's pretty fun after being suppressed by the ninjas.
Most of the time was because of my motto... There was always some one offended... Achievement ***** (had for 6 months) Achievement *** (female dog ) (had for 4 months) Achievements Suck (had for 3 weeks) Then in games, I get pissed, then the other guy gets pissed, we curse back and forth, then I log on the next day, and I was banned for 24 hours.. This happened a few times... Once a little kid was bother me, so I told him to put his dad on, then I started lecturing the kids father on why he was an idiot for letting his 10 year old son play Gears of War... lol Everyone in the room was laughing their asses off, it was worth it, I made the kids father sound like such an idiot.. Then I was banned again
Dude, i gotta give u credit for makin him put his dad on, lol parents have to be retarded to let their little kids play on xbl with all the racial hate and vulgarity that abounds
yea i always think the same alot of immature kids who are like 11 that i know have bioshock, gears, GTA....
That is hilarious! But I can't wait to see your maps dude. At least you got banned when xbox live was down so you didn't miss much.
It's called the virtual babysitter, parents find it easy to just let their kids be corrupted by TV and videogames while they have affairs or jerk off ... etc etc .... I however refuse to pull that crap with my kids. My daughter will only be playing E games if she plays videogames at all. Same with any other kids I have until I recognize enough maturity in them to let them play violent/M-rated games. .... I thought that was the point of the M rating ..... doesn't that mean Mature? .... :-\ come on parents .... jeez ...
those little kids are vicious man. I got called a "C*un*+" buy a 9 year old. I cant believe the mouth on some of the little kids. I got spanked by my dad when I just said one word back to him. also I just wanted to show you what I mean I not encourage the use of that word or other words that degrade women in that manor.
lol, the joy of what these children on xbox live have to say. ive been playing m rated games since i was like 12 and i'd have to say i've been corrupted. hah! nothing is cool to me unless it contains blood, lots of blood... and f bombs everywhere! my signature aloud on Bnet? (considering that its not a -blam!-)