this is for all GTA IV owners have you ever done something really funny or just plain amazing? please share it here and tell us what happened. I'll start. One time when i needed a ride, i beat a guy down off his motorcycle. We were at a 4 way intersection right in the middle. he got angry and pushed me off his ride so i took out my knife and slashed him. as i did that, i pushed him right into the path of a speedy taxi which ran him over. i ran over to his body and started kicking it then drove over him on his bike. P.S. don't give any spoilers plz
If you scroll down just a little bit this has already been posted
ok this is the coolest thing to do in gta iv i will write it in easy to follow steps. 1. use the cheat code to get a helicopter. 2. fly the helicopter to a REALLY TALL BUILDING 3. stand on the building BUT MAKE SURE THERE IS ROOM ON TOP FOR YOU TO HAVE A CAR OR A BIKE 4. use the cheat code to get a bike or car 5. drive the car or bike off the bulding :3 one time i did it with a bike OFF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING and i did like 5-6 frontflips on the way down and then i exploded ;~;
one time my friend and i were in a helicopter and i flew the helicopter up in the sky and hes asks me what the hell am i doing. then i jump out the helicopter and fall to my death but when i respawn i could see the helicopter falling down then it explodes with my friend still in it lol. the game said that i killed him lol.
lol, if i were him i'd just laugh. i like to do that a lot in halo too on avalanche right on the cliff.
i give homeless people money and only do the police officer missions i killed a guy once then i felt bad and deleted the savegame file