"I made this stupid map with tunnels and a warthog at the end just so I could hijack parties and go "lol i got a gud map," and then I realized it was pretty fun" - Xenomorph52 Warthog Crush! This map is a remake of my good friend, Xenomorph52's initial concept using empty boxes which was very fun yet visually unappealing. I decided one day to completely redo the map so that it was pretty and functioned very well. Essentially, you want to get rid of all the players by running them over with the warthog. It's set in a skinny (1 warthog width) but relatively long tunnel. There is one zombie who starts in a cage outside the tunnel (to make a less awkward start for him. He used to be on the warthog, but the others could rush him if he didn't react fast enough and assassinate him) who can then get into the warthog and start splattering people. Humans spawn roughly 3/4ths the way down the tunnel and must dodge the warthog (by jumping). Each player has one life. Players onlooking their certain death. You might say, "But jumping over a warthog is easy! I should have no problem surviving the one minute I'm given!" But alas! There is a catch! Players have extreme gravity, so they can barely clear the oncoming warthog. You must time your jump perfectly to avoid the warthog, or even to avert your impending doom. To compensate, however, you take less damage if you get grazed, so it takes either a head-on collision or a very persistent driver to kill you. Shield regeneration is twice as slow as well, so you don't immediately recover from a situation you manage to survive. Watch out for the warthog! It's harder than it looks. This map is intended for more than 6 people, because less, while playable, just isn't as fun. You don't get the rush of killing 10 people right off the bat, so it's a good idea to have the party open and invite all your friends. Starting Cage. The Zombie getting ready to enter the vehicle. Caution: Collision with warthog may be hazardous to your health. The Map: Click Me! The Gametype: Click Me!
that dose look fun i will DL it its just like the zombe map were the zombie must throw stuff in to the man cannons to kill the humons down in the tunnle
inovative idea and like the whole spawn in cage 4 the zombie type thing this looks to be fun for all ages
SO essentially all this is, is a small lane where you splatter the rest of your party. It sounds like it'd be frustrating for the players who aren't in vehicles.
yes. its infection where the zombie tries to run over the humans while the humans have to avoid being roadkill which i think could be fun for both humans and zombies.
Every time I've hosted this, I've gotten good feedback from it, people tend to like it, despite its simplistic nature. It's easy to pick up, so it catches on fast.
Hard as in a difficult concept or hard as in it's not really easy to not die? 'Cause that's the point, so it's a little more balanced.
this looks really cool, well made and (hopefully) balanced. But a question, cant humans easily hijack the zombie or no? cause that would be so easy... and I think itd would be easy, if you manage to jump, to then assassinate the zombie. Does the zombie have heavy shields? Though those don't work against assassinations... but still... just wondering... otherwise looks cool. I'll definitely DL and check it out.
I remember playing this iot was for with a full party I got like 3 killtroficies from being the driver. it became very laggy though after a while and we died really quick.
Very nice! i love the fact that the humans cant just jump with the full 100% gravity, that makes it take much more skill. oh and how does the zombie turn around?
Lol , sounds good i gotta admit. it'd be funny getting a killionaire if possible in a 16 player match: New zombie! New zombie! New zombie! New zombie! New zombie! New zombie! New zombie! Constantly , lol.
When you're making a gametype you can set whether or not players can enter vehicles or not (which also controls whether or not they can hijack), so no, they cannot.