
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shurshacker, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Version 2

    If you like small arena maps, you'll love Dominion V2. It's a great small group warm up map. Now supports FFA, Headhunter and Stockpile.

    V2 is tuned and improved based on 1 Metric ass-ton of feedback. Big thanks to ForgeHub and the olde Beavmatron group for HOURS of playtesting. \m/ Minor frame rate issues in some views fixed. Movement improvements, design efficiency and details were a big part of V2. The top levels are opened up. The inverted large platforms are gone in favor of smaller Y platforms and then everything realigned. Man cannons fine tuned and detail items like color coded objects for neutral and FFA games are part of the update. Almost 1K large Forge bucks put back in the Forge bank.

    Dominion V2 is a small, symmetrical arena-style map designed for 1v1, 2v2 to 4v4 Team Slayer, FFA, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Headhunter and Stockpile. Red and Blue have opposing covered bases while Green and Yellow have opposing uncovered bases on the top-most levels. A four-way intersection under the floor of the colosseum is host to the shotty and leads to color coded grav lifts and teleporters which take you back to the bases.

    Try static hill with 4v4, oddball or multi flag!

    Players: 2-8

    Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, CTF, Oddball


    DMR: 6
    Sniper Rifle: 1
    Shotgun: 1
    Grenade Launcher: 1
    Needler: 1
    Needle Rifle: 1
    Magnums: 4
    Plasma Pistols: 2

    Gameplay Video & Fly-through





    #1 Shurshacker, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a lot of inspiration was taken from the "Crater" firefight map. The only issue I can tell already from the pictures is that the angle of the ramps is far too steep. I would advise checking that out and seeing how you could make them less steep.
  3. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    @ thesilencebroken - we've actually playtested it a lot. It's never been an issue but I appreciate the feedback. None of the action takes place on the ramps so they act as quick access to the different levels. It keeps you on your toes. FWIW, I worried about it but worked with the constrains of the other map features and it turned out fine.

    GRIFFIN XIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good for a symmetrical, arena-type map. Most of the ones I've seen are trash. Looks like a combo of Warlock and Foundation from H2, which were two of my favorite maps. I will post back with a playtest.
  5. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    @ GRIFFIN XIII - Ding Ding Ding! I wanted to build something inspired by Foundation and, actually, Midship. Good call.
  6. AuntieChrist

    AuntieChrist Forerunner

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    Fantastical Map

    Great map. Provides good and frantic game play. It's tempting to run throughout the flat and open area, but be warned! You're begging for repeated death if you make that your home. Lots of details fraught over. Angles are good an unfair hangout (wanker) spots have been minimized. Of course, one can always hang out alone down in the shotgun trench... (but where's the fun in that??)
  7. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    @ AuntieChrist - Thanks for the feedback. What "wanker" spots did you find? I know of a couple, but you never last long. ;) The shotgun hard point is definitely designed for risk/reward.

    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    Well-designed, well-balanced and most importantly, fun! The action we had here was fast and furious yet I had no issues with spawns or campers. And yeah, those lower hallways are dangerous but if anyone is foolish enough to be a linger-longer down there they can be properly 'nade-ousted.

    As for the ramps being too steep like someone suggested? I can only guess the person only looked and didn't play on it. My basic rule of thumb is if your spartan doesn't get slowed down by the grade then it's not too steep. And any decrease in the grade would either decrease the depth of the pit or increase the circumference of the outer ring. Both would decrease the level of hot spartan on spartan action! I.E. I wouldn't touch it.

    Overall, big thumbs up! Good work, Shurshacker. Looks like you have a couple more maps that appear to have great potential too. I'll peep 'em when I get a chance.
  9. loubros420420

    loubros420420 Forerunner

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    Now THIS is a map. Big fan of the small, fast maps (shameless plug in 3.. 2.. 1..) like the map i made "caprice". but i gotta say that i'm quite impressed from the pics. will check out tonight.
  10. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    @ BLACK SABBATH - thanks for taking the time to dl and play, and thanks for the ramp comments. I hope that folks play it and realize you're on and off the ramps quickly (if at all - there are many ways to navigate the levels) and they really aren't action spots and don't distract from the fighting zones. "hot Spartan on Spartan action" LOL.

    @ loubros420420 - Thanks but definitely dl and come back with some feedback. If you like small hectic maps, you should love it.
    #10 Shurshacker, Jan 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  11. Bubbieman

    Bubbieman Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have played this a lot and it is fantastic visually and functionally. The perfect symmetry and simple, quick movement from area to area remind me of frantic maps from old PC franchises like Doom, Unreal and Quake! I love the lifts and teleporters that you don't even know are there until you get the nerve to drop down that center hole to pick up the shotty.

    Suggestions: raise up the corner walls for cover on the ground level, find a way to draw more action to the ground level in slayer.

    Awesome map!
  12. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Thanks for the dl and the nice comments. That's a good point about the arena floor cover. I often (but not always) forge to my own preferences, but I think most folks may prefer non crouch-cover. Especially, down there low and exposed. Any suggestions for drawing action? I could reposition the weapons or make the corner walls gametype specific?


    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    Yeah Shurshacker, the ramps are not a problem at all. And yes, the hot spartan on spartan action is no joke!
  14. Zuceeny

    Zuceeny Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    #14 Zuceeny, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  15. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    @Zuceeny - Thanks for the good feedback. Definitely kill volumes to keep folks honest. (top of the blue and red base glass covers and all around the perimeter) I've considered removing columns or the doors on the arena floor and/or different power weapon placement to draw players down there and make it more accessible. Once folks realize the teleports and shotgun are down there, it heats up. But I could make some adjustments. I'd love to hear more feedback.
  16. XBG SICK

    XBG SICK Forerunner

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    This map looks well thought out and competitive.And i agree about the nostalgic feel of the map it does remind me of foundation
  17. PrlBluWrx

    PrlBluWrx Forerunner

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    Very well made map, I love the way it plays with my emotions. If i feel the need to go "Rambo" style through the middle I am bound to get owned, while on the other hand who wants to just run around the outside where you may or may not get a couple pop shots off. On any note job well done. We (the forge community) appreciate all the hard work and long hours you have put into making new and exciting maps. Keep up the excellent work.
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome, and definitely reminds me of Midship and Warlock, maybe with a little Foundation thrown in there. I would give it a download, but sadly your link is broken.
  19. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks like a well-balanced map. Aesthetics are few, but good. I can see a lot of time and thought went into this map. I really like the architectual design of this map. I'm betting the gameplay is smooth. I need to get a better feel for this map, but otherwise this looks great.
  20. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Thank you, and I apologize for the broken DL link. It's fixed now as well as the updated gameplay video and screen shots.

    @Reflex Ion - Thank you for locking my redundant post.

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