Okay, I'm just curious as to which objects you feel don't get the love they deserve. I've heard a lot of people say that the Brace, Large is infinitely versatile yet shunned relentlessly, but for me it has to be the Coliseum Wall. Why? Everyone I know seems to hate it since it's bland and homogenous, but they seem to miss the fact that it's freaking huge. No other object can cover as much space in a pinch, and that makes the Coliseum great for building urban maps and lazy ceilings. It also lets me save a bunch of building blocks on huge maps, which is also nice. So what do you think is the most under-appreciated forge object?
It would definitely be Brace,large for me as well. It was kind of a hassle using it in my latest map because of tue curved ends but it ended up helping to make my map look stunning, solid, and very facility like. It made my map =]
You guys obviously haven't seen any maps from the MLG forge forum. EVERYONE uses Brace, Larges. I would say that the most underused object is the Platform, XXL. The underside is a beautiful floor.
I use platform XXL's alot, not underused for me... I think that the Walkway larges are very underused, very good for building braces for large structures, or as a pillar if you flip it upside down.
I thought this was under-appreciated objects. Sure everyone is going to use every object at some point or another, but some people love to hate objects. Wall coliseum cos it bland even though its useful for covering large spaces quickly and cheaply. Brace large cos of the awkward curved ends even though they make for nice bridges and have a clean sharp look to them. I think that's what the point is here. Not what objects aren't used.
I would have to say that or the cone. No one ever thinks about those little aesthetic pieces anymore.
Door, Double. They make for some nice railings, in my opinion more so than the actual decorative railing object. Also, the 2x4 Block is not to be underestimated. As others have mentioned above, I've also recently discovered a love for the Platform, XXL. That in combination with a well-placed Platform, XL bottom makes for some excellent-looking floors...but for the sake of performance, that's probably a really bad habit to get into... I should also mention the Large Walkway Cover. Depending on the map, it has more uses than most give it credit for. How could I forget crates! They're gorgeous, no one loves them enough.
The Column needs more attention, it's the small block that can be used practically and aesthetically. Not to mention that it looks like a Tetris piece, what's not to love?