hey fellow forgers... its been awhile since ive been on. Vacation and all! but this past weekend i was at a kid rock concert in Detroit, and i got inspired by the craziest thing. Our hotel! It had beautiful architecture. it had a open architecture feel with many turns and levels. here are some photos i Googled and put together... i havent been inspired like this in awhile, all i wanted to do was get home and forge! i have two maps planed from this overall feel. One is this preview and the second will be more circular. for this map i focused more on the open architecture and exposed beams and the second will be more focused on the multi-circular levels. so i give you... (open for a name change) my original backstory to this map is that it was a rehabilitation center for wounded soldiers and play on a funny story about how you can stay at the facility and use the many perks like the jogging track or relax in the courtyard under the statues...(working on that!) so heres the first set of weapons to hit the map. i believe they balance them selves out by the clip sizes. Take powerhouse for example. that has a lot of power weapons but with out all of them the balance would be off and one would be more powerful then the other. Architect ROCKS no clips SNIPE no clips SHOGUN 4shots PRO TUBE 4shots aka thumper/propipe/grenade launcher DMR x 4 NR x 2 NUBE COMBO x 2 FRAG x 4 STICKS x 4 this is a small two medium sized map great for 2v2 and havent tested yet but i do believe it would be great for 4v4, i tried to design it for that as well. Setting up game types now for CTF, ODDBALL, KoTH, STOCKPILE, and SLAYER please shot some feed back good or bad or if you would like to help me do some testing that'd be great as well. i should be on after the football games today (go pack go!) overview (roof removed for picture) this is a symmetrical map by the way so everything isnt labeled on both sides, tried not to clutter the pic again roof is removed...but this is the backside. you can see thumper spawn at the bottom closer view of thumper (purple) and top snipe (green). the hole on the right below the 5x1 drops down into the shotgun shotgun (btm green) the ledge one the right is where you'll land on from top snipe...be careful dont miss or youll fall to your death! courtyard side...the sculptures are there for aesthetics as well as provide breakage in LOS rock spawn inside courtyard. i tried to place them in an area that would be more RISK/REWARD, but dont get to ahead of yourself this is a very easy jump... blue outside stairs inside blue. ramp will take you to snipe. Left bottom will take you to thumper (pro tube) and lift. right side will take you to shotty well i think thats it for now guys. like i said still in the beta testing. i would like to submit this to the 2v2 tourney so i will take all the help i can get running some test. (yes ill send it to the guild) thanks for looking guys, and keep an eye out for my second map to this inspiration
Nice. i really like the banner. this map also looks really fun for oddball. the back side looks a little open, i dont know if my DMR skills could hold that area! if you need some testers let me know and i can try and help you ps nice touch with the statues in the courtyard area
you could have just called each weapon by a normal name this thread is way too confusing simply because you kept mentioning thumper, but I've never heard the grenade launcher called that before, if you just said what the thumper was the first time, it would have been 100x less confusing
well one my girlfriend loves kid rock. two it was free. three it was at ford field, which if any of havent been to that field i would highly suggest it. amazing...unlike my lions ummmm four....i like his middle stuff, you know bawitdaba, bull god....before he went soft rock! lol i hope that helps clarify it! @seredhras - i apologize. i posted this at like 430am after the bar...i know there is a million names for it...but i feel "thumper" is the fastest call out for it (besides just "pipe") and yes we started calling it that b/c its basically a better looking version of the thumper for MW2...sorry for the confusion! @b rockin the r - yes i do need some help testing. add me KiLLiN iT NAT3 any if anybody else would like to help me test. much appreciated! *edit for "thumper" name