Hey guys, im in desperate need of some testers for three new maps ive completed. If anyone wants to help please send a FR to Paranoia UK. Thanks
I want to be part of the testing I just dont have enough people on my friends list who paly at the same time as me, most of my reach playing friends are American or Canadian
I was going to say I could possibly help, but I'm Canadian I am sometimes on at 7ish pm on saturdays, or sometime between noon and 6 pm on sundays, so that could work for you (if you're UK) I won't be on too much, if at all, this weekend because of exams, but afterwards I will be, my GT is seredhras
Ill tell ya what. Post a thread in the TG and I will test it WITH you some time. I'm in Ameriaca, but on EST and I play with people in the UK all the time without too much trouble. I can usually get games of 6-8 people without too much trouble.
I know it's not the same, but you can always ask for someone to just save the gameplay video and put it up on their fileshare for a few hours so you can download it and look through gameplay. You should probably do this anyway to look at how other people who don't already know the map play.
im happy 2 help ,looks good, send invite when testing see if im on, ill send xbl message 2 make it easy 4 u, great work