A city by the sea. 4-10 players Walnopolis is an asymmetrical urban city type map that is built next to an ocean and has a sewer system. The overall idea of the map is it is a port city which features a small port with boats and docks. Both teams have accuses to the sewer system from the front of their initial spawn buildings, the harbor and the middle neutral building. The map is essentially a large rectangle which is filled in with multiple buildings and walkways. The map is asymmetric but it plays well with symmetrical game types such as multi flag etc. For best game play i recommend DMR stars. Weapons: DMR: x5 Needle rifle x2 Assault rifle x2 Shotgun x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Pictures: Red side water view Blue Side water view Red side Red team spawn (The library) Interior basement Looking down the street to blue side, from the library The city center The port (DO NOT GO PAST THE COLUMNS, SPARTANS CAN NOT SWIM) Sewer entrance Blue team spawn (government building) Blue side Blue rock garden Blue right side Sewer shot Overview The harbor, what a beautiful view... can you make it to the sail boat? I hope every enjoys the map and i want to give a huge thanks to everyone who play tested the map some of the people i remember,blaze is god, Mitona, Sleazy Grandma, Rocket moose, RamenLoverNinja, Capton Furgler, Devinish, stickmanmayham, lt ambrose, Urm4m4, max extra, debo37, secret snitzel, insane 54, youtuber, jpeloquin218, and to everyone i forgot thank you all very much. -Walz
I liked this map from the first game. Swat was absolutely fun, although I was a cheap camping SoB taking advantage of a small crack to dominate the map.... Subsequent 4v4s have been a blast too. Glad to see you finally got this up.
I really liked this map the one game I played on it. The port looks amazing. I also loved the sewers. This is a great 4v4 map, perfectly sized, different heights. I did not see any z-fighting, really. However there was screen lag, although I did have two people on the console and I did not have Reach loaded on my hard drive, so I highly doubt that will be a problem. And lastly, I love how It looks like a real city from the outside, great aesthetics. Anyway, glad to see this posted. Great map!
i think i was only there for 1 test, or maybe even just part of one. i have a vague memory of it, but i remember the map, and i thought it rocked. you did an excellent job pulling off the urban feel. im looking forward to getting some more games on this soon.
I've tested this quite a few times. Played quite well. My favorite part by far is the rocket spawn. Very creative, nice aesthetically and serves a purpose of being there. Good job paulie
Glad to see you posted this map finally I haven't been around since it was conceived, however I've played a fair amount of games during the last couple weeks. Really liked the feel since the beginning (minus a few frame-rate issues) but since then it's seen its share of adjustments and the final build is great. You did a great job [not only with Walnopolis] capturing that urban-city feel; a better than most of these forgers nowadays. Also as Blaze mentioned your rocket spawn is one of the best pieces, a little RvR is what those weapons require. Nice job bro.
Thanks dude!, i spent a lot of time getting rid of the frame rate lag so a normal game should be frame rate free Thanks man, that's the feel i wanted Thanks for all he help playtesting blaze, thats my favorte weapon placement Ive done so far, Thanks sleazy, as i said before im pretty sure i eliminated all of the frame rate lag, if you get any it shouldn't be severe or game changing. Thanks for all the testing as well snitzel, yeah you could camp their but once people know your their your pretty screwed ;]
Its what I do man. Custom lobbies almost nightly. And dude, I sooo got away with camping all game long in the swat match.
yeahh about that spot, i edited it so its not that cheap anymore =P, however you seemed to be the only one who seemed to succeed in using it well.
Pwallie, you've done it again. This is probably the best urban map I've yet seen in Reach. You most certainly have some serious competition, so that means a lot more than it did in Halo 3. The layout is solid considering that it's an asymmetric map designed for symmetrical play, and it really has a city-esque feel to it that few so-called "urban" maps can manage to achieve. Balance is excellent, and the aesthetic beauty of the map is pretty much unparalleled. The map, while visually intricate in terms of design, has a very simple and understandable layout that makes it easily accessible to whosoever wishes to learn it. It's pretty, plays well, and doesn't have a stupid name. It seems as though you've accomplished exactly what you set out to do - make a great and memorable small-team urban map.
♥ This map, ♥ the map creator. Walnopolis stole my heart the first time I played it. It's an asymmetrical map that's set up as if it's symmetrical. Even back at it's very early stages with the insane framerate issues, it played almost flawlessly. In short: Great map, feechur nao.
Thanks debo, and i didn't make a stupid name just for you! Thanks stick i <3 this comment, glad you enjoy the map.
Killer map Walnutz, Great sightlines and love the sewer section with natural floor very original. Plays great as swat MRX WHERE EAGLES DARE
I think I playtested this a bit, I thought it was a pretty nice layout with a sort of "urban" feel. Lots of different paths and rooms and a bit of a dock area as well. I remember there being really bad lag though, I'm not sure if that was just my internet acting up? I will have to check out the final version to see how it all turned out!
You really seemed to put some thought into this map. I love how you even added the boat and other things out into the world
There use to be a huge frame rate issue, however i got rid of basically all the frame rate lag, and thanks bro. I love my boats ,thank you glad you like the map.
Paulie, you have always made aweosme Urban Maps. This is definitely no step down and looks fantastic! You have really creative aesthetic peices like the Dock and all the deisns to the buildings in which all map the map that much more amazing.