Whenever you forged a map which would you pick,the DMR or BR? Me personally I would have a combination of both just for good measure.
Both wouldn't be in the same game as they are both the same weapon just different generations. Thats like asking the army if they would have a 50.cal sniper or a Springfield from WW2
Haha lol thats true. One is half automatic and second one is not automatic. I prefer DMR. BR was a bit ummmm... i just didnt like it. But everything is better than Assault Rifle.
It depends. If the map had very little cover and lots of long range sight lines, I'd probably pick the BR just so that it didn't dominate the map as much as the DMR would. Other than that, I'd pick the DMR for most situations, maybe using the BR in Invasion to put its cheap headshots to good use.
If the BR was in Halo Reach... ...people wouldn't be complaining that the BR's not in Halo: Reach. I don't see why people miss it so much.
Is this really a Forge Discussion? This is more of a "which do you prefer" and has nothing to do with actually forging... which is the sole purpose of this forum.