BlackMagic Intensity Pro Capture Card

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stevo, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, as it stands, I can't confirm how great/poor the card is, because it doesn't work in my system. I've found that although the card itself has the ability to record footage in 1080p, it's an absolute pain in the arse to set up.

    5 hours later, I can now see a preview... However, I cannot capture any footage because my hard drive write speed is only 34mb/s at best. Any HD footage requires 100+mb/s write speed with this card, so it's a bit of a kick in the balls. Now, I've ordered a new Solid State Drive to arrive tomorrow. The write speed on that is 245MB/s... that'll show those bastards at BlackMagic who's boss. amirite?

    Anyway, the reason I'm posting this so far is because I used to have a Hauppauge HD PVR. This also was an absolute pain in the backside to set up, so I didn't expect an easy feat with BMIP either. What I do like though, is that the drivers don't seem to be a messed up. I've got it installed successfully on Windows 7 (although it took a helluva lot of forum browsing to finally get it to work, and in the end I think I found it was the drivers had installed corruptly the first time round).

    If you're looking for a High Definition Capture card though, I recommend this one. I'll admit, so far this doesn't seem very promising... but if you end up going with the HD PVR, you'll soon realise why I'm still smiling. a) It's Cheaper. b) I don't need to reinstall drivers everytime I turn off my computer. c) it has a better input selection.

    The negatives of the card are:
    • You have to specify exactly what frame-rates are being sent through your xbox.
    • You have to configure the card in the control panel before opening anything else.
    • The recording program crashes if your hard drive can't write fast enough.

    I'll be back to update this thread tomorrow with the performance side of things :)
    Any questions about it, feel free to ask.
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Ahah, I thought you would have looked at the minimum specs for the computer at least. Silly stevo! :p Hopefully we can start recording for you know what! :D

    On the topic of you know what, the opening is going really well :)

    Ohh, & what SSD size did you get?
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I honestly don't see what all your hate with the Hauppauge is about. You probably bought yours off of Ebay or something.

    As long as you get the most updated version, everything's good(bought mine off of Mine literally took less than 10 minutes to set up and start working; I didn't even need to go online to find the correct drivers; the ones in the CD were even newer than the versions that were available on their site at the time. In addition to that, I don't need to reinstall the drivers every single time I shut off my computer.

    Setting up the program is also extremely easy, though I prefer to use the PS3 format for recording. The only downside is that you have to set your xbox to 720p or 1080i if you usually have it set to 1080p but as I found out this kind of benefits seeing as all games on the 360 run on 720p anyways making for smoother gameplay as well as less framerate issues(for me anyways).

    Should've done your homework with the intensity pro man, it's fairly known that they don't have too good of a reputation.
    #3 Rifte, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    It's not the capture cards fault, it's stevo's. That's not a bad reputation. I think the bad reputation you are talking about it from people that don't know what they are getting themselves into when they are buying an internal capture card..
    I've only heard good feedback for the BMIP and bad feedback from the Hauppauge.

    It could be the case that you just got some good hardware, because I'm always seeing complaints about the hauppuage conking out on people.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Indeed, I did check the speeds, and my HDD supported those speeds once upon a time

    However, hard drives detoriate over time and my standard is like 3 or 4 years old now and it's write speed has more than halved :(

    I got a 60GB SSD, it's currently partioned into two 30GB segments, one for O.S and Starcraft II
    The other strictly for capturing.

    I bought my Hauppauge from It was new too :p
    And the same, I looked for bad reviews of the BMIP, the only bad points I found were set up. I also had a nightmare with the hauppauge to set up, especially for windows 7.
  6. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    At least it wasn't completely incompatible with your computer. -.-

    And Rifte, bad reputation is from idiots who don't know what they are doing buying an internal capture card, and a professional one at that. Not to mention the fact that it requires a lot from the system to even be able to run, and not many people have the computers to handle it.

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