Hey guys this is my latest map that I have made. The map is for infection but it can be played on slayer aswell. First off I tried to build a larger city than the previous Raccoon City map that I made. In the end it turned out to be about the same size. The map includes the Lincoln Memorial and the reflecting pool, along with the washington monument (which is seen off in the distance). The map also includes many buildings. The map also includes 3 warthogs and tons of wepons scattered all across the map. I wont reveal any locations of any of the more powerful weapons > but the battle rifles and assault rifles are pretty easy to spot. The picture seen below is the backside of the lincoln memorial. The washington monument can be seen in the backround. The picture below is a top view of about half the map. The map was to large for me to take a full screenshot of it. To the left is the lincoln memorial. A road circles the structure and breaks off to different portions of the city. The north portion of the picture is a small portion of the city which includes many buildings players can enter. The south portion of the picture is a giant building which players can also enter. The reflecting pool is in the center of the map. The picture below shows the front side of the lincoln memorial and the reflecting pool. Anyway if you have any questions about the map feel free to ask!!!
I've recently looked at a forum which talked about popularity and the success of the more pronoun forgers. The forum was flamed and eventually locked, regardless this, my friend is a pure example of how to get noticed. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this remake of Lincoln Memorial is a very good way to start. I like the urban feel that you created here. There are some object which could be tuned up a bit better, but hey it's good the way it is. Keep up the good work. Perhaps Times Square next?
thanks man, and their is reason some spots are not as detailed as I would like them too but I was trying to forge a city scape as large as raccoon city that I made in the past. and actually my next map i was thinken about either making fort mccarren from fallout new vegas or maybe remake my washington dc map. anyway some vids of my past forge maps. YouTube - Amazing Halo Reach Forge Maps YouTube - Amazing Halo Reach Maps 2 YouTube - Halo Reach The Pentagon
Damn, man, you sure do make one helluva map! If I do say so myself. If you ever need a playtester for a future map or just whatever, send me an invite, okay?
Now I can't see it in the pictures so I was wondering if you actually have a statue faintly resembling Abraham Lincoln incorporated into this map?