HALO:REACH RPG BETA SIGN-UPS! We are still working on the alpha. Project might be done before the end of August. We are still working out all the minor issues. Stores, Jobs, Cash & PVP are the big ones. Budget is always in the way. But we are working on our final version. No more 5 different maps. Im currently doing all the work myself. I can't seem to rework the stat recording system. But, I'll find something to help with this problem. I know there have been many asking to help me with the project. Please Stop I've had about 12 different requests. But thanks for all the support & everyone for waiting so long. Thank-you! ================================================================= TO SIGN-UP: Gamertag: (Yourself) Time On: Job: (Yes/No) =================================================================
Um... this sounds interesting, to say the least. I havent really heard about this kind of thing before, what exactly are the rules again? I guess I might join, I may drop out a little later though GT- Victus Inferi Time on- Usually logged into xbox by at least 4:00 pm pacific. If Im not, Illmost likely be here Job: Maybe?
It sounds interesting, but at the same time I am very skeptical about this. Can you give me an idea of what I might be signing up for, before I actually do it?
Just to Inform anyone about what there signing-up for. You helping us reach our ultimate goal. Building the Best RPG in Halo:Reach. Though I can't say that about the future but still. The Beta has a Limited amount of stuff. But comes close enough. The Beta Includes: Ranks: About 20 of them. For Now. Building You Life: Work at a job, make alot of money to buy the best of things. PVP Arena: Yes, Halo was mean't for fighting. So Swords and a small arena. Hmm... Quests: Just like Halo:Reach Challenges but in Multiplayer/Firefight ONLY. Record and Send to me, and earn EXP and Special unlocks.
GT: patrickcanttype Time on: its a day to day thing, but usually after 3 ET on weekdays Job: Yes Suggestion: For quests, you can make missions that have to be completed with a certain number of people. These would change from mission to mission. For example, perhaps one mission would make you have to sacrifice a team member in order to complete it, with only 1 life per person. Or another mission might be a duel-type-mission, where two players both try to complete the same task, and whoever finishes first wins.
What exactly is cash used for again? What can you buy with it? And how do you rank up? Does ranking up come with any special unlocks or anything? ^questions I have
Gamertag: Lethal Dream Time On: EST (About 4:15 on week days, 10:30 weekends.) Job: Yes (Stripping is an interest...) lulz
GT: Organite Play Time: Weeknights 8:30 til whenever Central. Weekends are come and go. Job: Yes. Also, to add, I've been developing a map specifically for use in this called Teknologik Park. Where would I get that added?
Oh, Thats great. I will add that right away. **UPDATE: Teknologik Park by Organite has been added to the Beta.**
Gamertag: Patsteirer Time On: It really depends almost every week day from 3pm-10pm(with breaks of varying lengths in there), and at least 1 day on the weekend. Job: Yes Note: I've a lot of experience with graphic design and producing roles. If you need posters/Web Graphics/etc, I can do those like nobody's business =D
Gamertag: Oli The G Time On: Evenings Mon-Sat GMT Morning-Evening Sun GMT Job: No Why i'd like to do this: Ive had a lot of experience beta testing for games, including large scale, closed betas, such as Football Manager Live, etc. Also, I have a successfull youtube account and a capture card, so if you need any videos doing, feel free to ask me!
GTandino14 Time On: Not been on recently due to upcoming prelims but once they are over in two weeks I'm on after school sometimes or at the weekend if I'm not busy Job: Yeah, I love rpg's and halo so I wanna help make this better
I'd suggest also incorporating a list of the maps that are currently part of the beta and pics if you have them.