So I am going to pre-order one of these games and I want to make sure I get the better, more popular game. Both of these look games look amazing but I am very confused about which one to get. Brink comes out some time in spring, and Crysis 2 comes out March 22nd. Please give me your opinions on which one you think will be better and which one you think I should buy.
Did you watch the same Bulletstorm they revealed at E3 as I did, excuse me, did you watch the same piece of ****? I literally laughed so hard I nearly spit out my soda when I watched the demo. It's terrible and it's the perfect example of the state of videogame marketing. The title pretty much sumes that up. "Looks like we got here a storm of some sort and bullets. I'll bet every over the top action sequence holds my hand and that every level involves walking into an enemy ambush every five seconds. Yea, that's why I like, general anesthesia in a videogame." I'd go with Crysis 2 over Brink, because Brink doesn't look to be a polished title yet and the game play mechanic looks sluggish and sure to be frustrating in intense battle.
id say neither, but the movie brink starring erik von detten as andy "brink" brinker is pretty good. team pup n suds ftw. but if i had to choose either of the games id say crysis 2...
Im personally pre-ordering Brink. It really seems different than other shooters and encourages playing in a unique way that suits your personal preference. The player custimization also looks insane, but of course none of this guarantess its popularity. Crysis will probably be more popular, since its an established series and is more well known
ESRB should seriously consider giving this game it's own rating. that's way too much win for only a mature rating.
I'm kinda surprised that more people aren't advocating Brink. Crysis 2 didn't impress me much at all in its demo form, and whilst I understand it's also somewhat of a beta, Brink looks to be exactly what I'm after in a shooter right now (well one of, Nexuiz having the other base covered). It'd be nice to get a play on Brink before buying in the same way as Crysis, but I'm willing to take a gamble since it looks like such an interesting game. Character customisation looks cool but isn't what's selling it for me, the glimpses of gameplay have me greatly anticipating the 17th of May much more.
Homefront will be my decision. Now... Between Crysis 2 and Brink. I think Crysis might be a good idea because of it's multiplayer experience. More people will be into Crysis, told by the ratings. Brink is pretty good, although the popularity of Crysis might give you more people to play with on your friends list. I don't know. If it was my choice, Crysis...