Roundabout Welcome to my second post on forgehub, which happens to be an older map than the first. Roundabout was built on the sandbar between the island and the coast near the cave. The maps design was to have a circular road that let you drive around the map as if it were a race track. Unfortunately, this did not work out, so now you can only drive figure eights. Its basic structure is 4 2-story bases which are placed around a large central basin and wall with roads interconnecting them. While the red and blue base (the ones with the warthog and mongoose) may seem dominant, the green and orange bases (ghosts) are actually fairly equal, resulting in good multi-team games (4 teams of 4 works best.) Weapons are fairly balanced as well: 2 sniper rifles-1 spare clip-green/orange bases 2 shotguns-1 spare clip-red/blue bases 2 assault rifles-red/blue 2 plasma repeaters-green/orange 4 DMR's-2 in red/blue, 2 between bases 1 Rocket Launcher-1 spare clip- center 2 Needle Rifles-on wall surrounding basin 2 Magnums-green/orange several frags and plasma grenades 2 ghosts-green/orange 2 warthogs and mongooses-red/blue While a game of team slayer between red and blue base works, this map was meant for 4 teams to play on, as is shown by the territory placement. I would recommend 4 v. 4 v. 4 v. 4 team slayer, multi-flag, and non-locking territories(whatever that is called in Reach) as the best game types to show what this map can do. This and all of my maps have only undergone testing with 2-4 players, so ANYONE interested in testing the map please leave a comment or send me a friend request on Xbox Live (my GT is Flying Shoe ILR.) I am open to all criticism and willing to make changes, so if there is anything you don't like about the map, just tell me. Picture Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmme! A cool picture of rocks in the basin, all placed with loving care Overview: Red is bottom right, blue top left, green top right, orange bottom left Red bases garage area Courtyard between red and green (and a territory as well.) Green bases garage and tunnel View of orange base from red base Wall and basin (all 4 bases connect to the wall for easy access.) That's all for this map! I have more to post still, so stay tuned to my posts! Edit: The map is currently under construction! I am going to take it off and post a V2 soon! Don't DL right now! V2 will be posted soon, this version is completely outmoded and off of my file share. Thanks for downloading, but this post is over.
This map looks really good: Rarely is a 4 team slayer map found. I like the center, you can tell you had powerhouse in mind when crafting it. As for the surrounding hallways, it seems like a miniature rat's nest. I love the fact every base has a garage. Great job
Wow, I honestly forgot I had posted this one! I have made so many changes since! Well, I guess I have to post a V2 now. Thanks for the interest, but this is a very old version of Roundabout. Tell me how the new one compares when I post Roundabout V2.0