So, I would like to hear your opinions on this issue I have run into when finalizing my map. One part of the map has a window, which causes slight framerate issues, but I cannot find something that could make up for the glass that would still look good. I believe other areas of the map make up for what I substituted, but it looks slightly awkward. Playability or looks?
As most people always say... GAMEPLAY > AESTHETICS. However, GAMEPLAY + AESTHETICS > GAMEPLAY > AESTHETICS. On their own, you can only make an average map. Have them together, you can make a great map. Windows only generate lag because you see objects behind them. For the gameplay sake, replace it with a brace large or a solid wall etc... You can always make it look nicer afterwards.
You need playibility for obvious reasons and looks are important for orientation. You need a good balance.
post a picture of the area, before and after please so I can see what I'm talking about you could try using the door double, door, or the window pieces (window without glass) if I'm right, the glass acts almost as an fx, by changing how the area you can see looks, so the engine has to apply a filter, so no glass should mean less or no lag, unless you are seeing very complex structures
While this is true, could the map suffer from a bland spot due to the replacement of a window? The rest of the map is aesthetically pleasing, IMO, but I'm sure you will have your own judgement. I'm submitting into testers guild soon, looking forward to feedback. Here is the before: notice it is the glass you can see on both sides of the bases. Here is the after: Notice how they have been replaced.
Aesthetics are the most important feature in any map as it's what you'll be looking at the entire time you're playing it. Even if the gameplay is amazing, it can only go so far. If the map doesn't look good on the forum, it won't get downloaded.