Welcome to Spoof World Competitive. The competitive version of my mostly aesthetic Spoof World. Spoof World is is an idea I had while viewing many maps on this forum and other maps in the forging community at large. When you've played on as many maps as I have you start to notice a pattern of common themes in forge maps. While I have not represented all such patterns in this map due to budget I plan on making other spoof world maps that cover every trend in forging. Now let's get to the meat and potatoes of this map. WEAPON LIST (x:y:z) - Amount, clip size, spawn time Rocket launcher: 1:0:180 Sniper Rifle: 2:1:70 Grenade Launcher: 1:2:60 Concussion Rifle: 2:1:60 Gravity Hammer: 1:2:30 Energy Sword: 1:2:30 Shotgun: 2:0:30 Assault Rifle: 2:2:30 Spiker: 2:2:30 Plasma Pistol: 2:2:30 Magnum: 1:2:30 DMR: 12:2:30 Needle Rifle: 8:2:30 Needler: 3:2:30 Plasma Rifle: 2:2:30 Plasma Grenade: 2:0:30 Frag Grenade: 2:0:30 Health Pack: 6 A picture might tell a thousand words but a video tells a thousand and more pictures. YouTube - Spoof World Competitive But what map posting would be without pictures...like 50% of the maps posted...but that's beside the point. Hey look down there. Water World Spoiler Lift World Spoiler Tree World (Or as some call it, Mini Vanilla) Spoiler I want to thank B3NW for the spoof world graphic and the numerous people who play tested it and gave me feedback on how to turn my map into a playable map. I suggest playing KOTH and Stockpile on this map as it really utilizes all the areas nicely. Assault and CTF gametypes only use water world and the teleporters are blocked off. Because of the nature of there only being a limited amount of teleporters camping is always a concern and could very well happen. I tried making the spawn system as helpful as I could in that regard so it is possible to spawn in the same part of the map as the people camping so you could get the drop on them. The teleporter system is also designed to help alleviate camping as you must go through one of the other "worlds" to get to the one you want to get too. And lastly, have fun, waka waka.
I remember playing this way back when there was I think two other worlds. Fortunately, you got rid of the world that was a HUGE camp zone. It plays well for being a satire I guess. Great concept but water world leaves me with an empty feeling. Compared to the other worlds, it is pretty dull. 6/10
6/10 for the whole thing or just water world lol. And yeah I figured there was no saving the teleporter room when it came to competitive play. Also I too am a little disappointed in my water world. I could not find the area in forgeworld where you can get past the barrier and survive under water deeper, which would have been preferable. As a result if anyone sprints or looks up while they run the screen will flicker between in water and out of water. But this couldn't be helped and the point was just to make fun of maps that involve water/kill balls/antennas/symmetrical stuff anway.
I think the map's a pretty funny rendition of some of the problems and mistakes begining forgers make. I do think you missed a lot of potential subjects though. Armories, broken and campable spawns, confusing teleporter rooms, camping, power weapons on a 30 second respawn. There's just so much stuff that I feel you missed. I can't even think of a single map that's used an overwhelming amount of grav lifts. I like the map, and it's the first of it's kind, but I really think you ought to go back and add onto it while snipping off the parts that aren't wholly necessary. On a related note, here's a canvas map I made to allow people to Forge underwater. I'm not recommending you actually use the canvas directly (on account of my name being the original creator), but at the very least download it and fly around to get a feel for underwater forging. Making your own underwater map is as simple as going to the side of the Island and tele-glitching your way out of Forgeworld. The water itself is completely harmless. The reason people die when going in it is because Bungie put a Hard Kill Zone covering most of the water. The Kill Zone, however, doesn't cover any of the water outside of playable Forgeworld, meaning that if you glitch out of the map you're pretty much free to do whatever. My canvas has walls showing you roughly how far you can go without dying. Also, totally on topic. Your thread brings back memories : P
Haris I think you're missing the point of this map and didn't read some of my first point but that's ok. This is a competitive map so I had to make it fully competitive. I have an aesthetic version of this which has a teleporter room, fixed weapons, and some other forge jokes. I can't include them in a competitive game because obviously that makes for an unfun game. As far as missing stuff, as I mentioned this is a part 1 of sorts and I have other forge concepts still to make but I am near out of budget and I don't want to force things in that I don't have to. As far as not knowing too many maps with lots of grav lifts that wasn't really the joke. The majority of current maps have some sort of verticality to them, usually for the jetpack. As a result a lot of map creators have jump pads, ladders, and lifts in their maps. That is what I tried to capture, not just the amount of grav lifts but the general concept of that verticality maps have now. Also...I don't think you're allowed to link to another map even if its from halo 3
I dont know if im the only one....but i really dislike fighting underwater. Its quite annoying and repetative, but the rest of your map looks quite spectacular. I really love the "Mini Vanilla" Beautiful asthetics, great job
MOar SpoOf! I like what you did with this. It took a minute to get the layout to see the reminise of many other maps and styles but after learning the paths you can get your game on in this smorgasborg of Forge. I had it a bit easy camping up the teleporters; but like any good map they eventually came from the other way and ended my little party. Other than the heat around the teleports the symmetric, stylized mini levels created a nice game of slayer. I wanted to see moar spoof, but this played fine. I hate water. I like your forge.
yeah everybody hates water lol. Sorry again to everyone who had to endure that. Technically you can go from side to side without touching the water so there's that. I changed locations of the lift world's teleporters so one was on the first floor and the other on the 3rd floor to help stop camping but with any map with teleporters it still could occur. I just hope my spawn system helps alleviate it a bit. When I was designing this I really wanted to set up each world to be playable in its own right. Which is why each world has its own weapon set and health packs. Maybe some day I'll release mini-vanilla and lift world as separate 1v1 maps.
Spoof world was very entertaining. I saw lift world and thought sequence. I saw tree world and thought Vanilla. I saw water world and thought... too many maps. I'd like to see more of these as more and more 'map fads' arise as I'm sure they will. p.s. I want to see that Organite world you mentioned make it in =)
Yeah there were a couple more map fads I would have liked to include in this map but I just didn't have the budget. And I'll get right on that organite room If anyone has played this map on stockpile and could give me some feedback that would be appreciated, I only tried one game on stockpile and things seemed to work.
i remember playing this and i had no idea what it was. we played a game of CTF, and i was thinking "oh look, an underwater map... how overdone and obnoxious" then we went into a team slayer match and you explained it all and i lol'd. mini-vanilla is absolutely fantastic in every way, water world is hilariously obnoxious, and lift world is just plain funny. Amazing work dude.
Oh god when I first saw this I was like is this serious? and Why would he name it spoof world? It should be clear to you now that i'm not the quickest person...
I liked the look of your map but the underwater part i really dislike. You can barely see anything and the grid you stand on looks terrible. I still like the central structure but if you remade the map fully out of the water I would consider a download.
Thanks Chuck, I realize my play tests weren't that fun lol. My favorite but most frustrating "world" to create was lift world, mainly because I tried making rifte style ladders for like 2 hours. If I wanted to I probably could turn "mini-vanilla" and lift world into their own seperate 1v1 or 2v2 maps as I feel those two worlds were fully fleshed out. Water world was really more for the joke than to be playable but I just couldn't take it out. ....Um...what? This post seemed like it was missing something. I mean I get the negative is positive sarcasm going on but sarcasm needs to lead to something... Yeah, yeah, the underwater part. If you actually look around on the map you'll find it isn't really that hard to see under water. The only thing I'd advise against doing is looking up while moving or sprinting because it makes the screen flicker. Those two circumstances are not that common though as why would you be looking straight up while moving forward and not everyone uses the sprint AA. As far as the grid looking "terrible" care to elaborate...I mean I can't move it any lower or else people will die when they crouch. I could have moved it higher so it was just ankle deep but I was going for the joke as I said. The grid also helps people see a little better while underwater.